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*Ignore the shitty manip on top🙄*
Lauren's pov,
"Are you okay now Lolo" Camila asked handing me a glass of water I been crying the entire time I found out that I am truly pregnant

"How am I supposed to be okay Camz" Camila nodded crossing her hands

"You are right stupid question, but I'm only asking because you were crying for the past hour"

"I think I'm fine, it's just this is real now I'm actually going to be carrying a little person in me for 9 months" Camila giggled nodding

"Well look on the bright side that little person is going to be a gorgeous god or goddess"

"Camz I really can't take you serious right now"

"I'm sorry, okay I'm sorry it's just....its just true you've seen Y/n and yourself you two are gorgeous people" I crack a laugh looking down to my glass of cup

"Are you going to tell her?" Camila whispered I sighed

I don't even know if I should Y/n right now we're finally in good terms we aren't fighting for once, she's doing amazing in school shes working her hardest to finish in time plus she's looking for a job before her father puts her into his business which she kinda doesn't like talking about

I just don't want to put more on her plate, she usually freaks out when she's overwhelmed and if I just came out and tell her

"Oh hey Y/n we need to talk I'm going to be carrying a little you in me for 9 months I hope that doesn't worry you"

I can't just take the risk of messing up what we have going right now

"I don't know yet Camila" Camila groan standing up

"You are going to have to tell her because you'll be growing each months we don't even know how far along you are all we know you might be three months" I stood up I can't be three months I looked at my belly looking back to Camila

"I'm not three months" Camila rolled her eyes shifting in her footing

"I said might be, when was the last time you had sex"

"Camila" "it's a question babe answer it" I sighed answering her question

"Yesterday" Camila smirked taking a seat back on the bed

"I would've thought you would say a week ago or something"

I felt my cheeks heat up I cleared my throat placing the glass cup down

"It couldn't have happen yesterday we wore a condom"

"Well there was no need for that now was there"

I push Camila back on the bed causing her to laugh and sit back up throwing me a pillow

"Ok last time you didn't wear a condom"

When was the last time? Fuck why does the sex have to be so mind blowing, I can't even remember for the multiple time we have had sex

"I don't remember" Camila sighed mumbling something then one of our phones started ringing

"I think that's yours Lolo" I look in my bag and get my phone out answering quickly


"Hey babe i was calling you to let you know I'm going to this house party Zayn invited me too"

"Who is it?" Camila asked "Y/n" I whispered

"Oh really um, I was actually hoping we could just stay at my place or go out"

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