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A/n: all of you want me to skip to the baby stuff already well fine I'll do that for you all and sorry for any grammar mistakes

•Lauren's 5 month•

"Lauren hurry up" I said excited jumping beside her while she was finishing up her make-up

"Babe the appointment isn't until 1 we have two hours left" Lauren giggled I stopped my jumping but I started hopping

"I can't wait anymore were finally going to find out the sex of the baby" I wrapped my arms around her from behind holding her belly that has grown bigger over the last three months

"Listen monkey please show the doctor that your a boy or a girl we will love you no matter what"

I pull way from Lauren "are you done now?" Lauren turned around cupping my cheeks

"No babe" she smiled I cupped her cheeks also leaning closer to her "hurry up" I mumbled with a angry expression but I guess I failed at because Lauren started laughing

"You're cute" i let go of her cheeks while she did the same I walked over to the bed laying back to let her finish up calmly

"Are you excited to graduate next month" I smiled sitting up crossing my arms

"Hell yeah! I'll finally be able to tell everyone your mine" she smiled walking up to me I placed my hands on her hips placing a kiss on her belly

"Are ready now?" I asked with a toothy smile "yes baby, I'm finally finished" I stood up carefully not to hit her belly pulling her into a short kiss

Before I drove to the clinic I got Lauren and I lunch because after the appointment we are meeting up with the girls and going baby shopping, Lauren wants to start before she gets any bigger and she says I'm going to get the wrong stuff which I think is actually true

Over the last three months I finally got all my stuff out my parents place and into Lauren's house, I haven't seen my parents since the day they kicked me out I tired meeting with them but they just shut me out, i finally gave up I told them I was graduating next month and if they would like to come but they never got back to me about it,

I only seen my grandfather I asked him about my parents he told me they don't even bring up my name anymore it's like I was never their kid which hurt a lot but I had move on from that,

At school it's the same except that Bradley keeps trying to get with Lauren he doesn't understand that Lauren is pregnant with my kid...well he doesn't know it's my baby

But he says he doesn't care she's pregnant and that he will love the baby as he's own he's annoying in school as usual, I had told Zayn and Ariana about Lauren they both said they knew something was up with the principle and I

They are happy for me about the baby and that Lauren and I are together, I got them to meet Lauren Jauregui my girlfriend not the school's principal Jauregui they loved her which was a great feeling to see my favorite people getting along.

We got inside the clinic Lauren went to sign herself in while I found a seat, Lauren sat beside me laying her head on my shoulder

"We should be going in about 20 minutes" I nodded kissing her head while grabbing a hold of her hand

I remember when we came last month and I was freaking out because it was my first time coming to the appointment with Lauren but it was amazing experience I got to hear my baby's heart beating and see him or her for the first time

"Ms. Jauregui" we stood up Lauren leading us over to the door

"Good afternoon you two" Lauren's nurse smiled "good afternoon" we both smiled following the nurse to the room

"We won't be doing any test today just finding out the sex of the baby" Lauren nodded and took a seat on the bed

"Okay just relax while I get the doctor" we both nodded, I sat on the chair beside her

"Camila won't stop texting me" Lauren laughed I smiled leaning closer to her she showed me her phone and there was about six different texts about how she wants us to show her first the baby pictures and to stop ignoring her

The rooms door opened and in comes Dr. Amy

"Hello Y/n and Lauren" we both greet the doctor

"Well ready to find out if you two are having a baby boy or girl" we both nodded "yes we been waiting" I said excited the doctor laughed nodding

The doctor got the machine ready and placed that blue gel on Lauren's belly

The doctor moved the camera in different angles taking a few pictures

"Okay are you two ready to find out what you'll be having"

"Yes" Lauren and I say she smiled stopping the camera and pointing out on the tv

"It's....a boy" a smile instantly grow on my face I looked away from the tv to Lauren

"A boy" Lauren asked once more not looking away from the tv

"Yes congratulations I'll get your pictures" the doctor whipped Lauren's belly clean and walked out

Lauren faced me and I quickly put our lips together

"We're having a boy" I whisper leaning our forehead together Lauren giggled pulling me back into a kiss nodding

•At Camila's•
"Oh my god" Camila pulled Lauren into a hug

"Well the baby for sure will to be a mommy's boy" Normani joked wrapping her arm around me 

"For real" I laughed handing Ally the picture next

"Oh my god he's going to have all the girls" Camila laughed at Lauren's face expression

"Camz it's too early to worry about that" I laughed placing my hands on her belly

"What happen mommy, afraid our little guy will grow up too quick already" Lauren blushed the girls laughed causing Lauren to blush even more

"I hate you guys"

"We love you too Lolo"

A/n: most fanfic that I read of Lauren having a baby is mostly girls, baby girls are adorable but baby boys are adorable also! So I hope you don't mind you two having a boy but if not I'll change it

The 5h takeover was bomb as usual I'm about to go watch it again

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