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Your pov,
I'm back to school and I'm so ready to make Brad and Mr. Jones class my bitch

Lauren told me that the both of them said I should be held back for another year for all the times I have been suspended over the year, but come on do they really want me here longer then I am, I thought they would've said to kick me out not keep me longer

I was at my locker when I feel someone's arms go around my waist and they kissed my cheek I turn around and see Kendall I haven't called or seen her for two weeks

"Hey you, you're back" I nodded removing her hands "yeah what's up" "I heard you came over your suspension and you mouth off principal Jauregui" wow that kid really told the school that "really, what else did you hear?"

"That you were just being a badass and Ms. Jauregui kicked your cute butt out" I chuckled and turned to my locker "wow what a story but what ever" I grabbed my algebra book and a pen about to close my locker when I feel Kendall's hand go in my shorts gripping my dick "what the fuck Kendall" I look around and guess who I lock eyes with...yup Lauren she didn't look happy

I pulled Kendall's hand out my shorts and turned to face her "what the fuck is wrong with you, there's hell of kids around and teachers your going to get my ass in trouble" and right on cue I hear my name "Ms. Y/l/n my office now" I groan letting go of Kendall's hand "I'm sorry" "what ever don't do that ever again you hear me" she nodded and I started walking to Lauren's office

I walked in and closed the door Lauren stood at her desk with her arms crossed and a very pissed off look

"What the fuck was that?" She asked I sighed walking to her desk placing my book down "I don't know she just slid her hand in I didn't think she was that bold to do it" "oh so you're telling me, she innocently slid her hand in your shorts?"

"Yes that's what I'm saying...well not innocently because I don't know what the fuck she was thinking" "you're back for one day and you go and do something so stupid like that what the hell is wrong with you, were you not thinking or were you just stupidly thinking like usual" wow that kinda hurt

"You know what, I didn't do shit so why don't you call Kendall in here and get her to tell you if I was thinking stupidly as usual and maybe you get your fucking answer" I grabbed my book swinging her door open and walking out

Does she really think I'm always doing something stupid does she think I'm stupid I fucking hate that word stupid, stupid ugh! And she knows I hate the word, I gripped my hair and just walked to class at least Ms. Cruz will be cool if I tell her I'm having a bad morning

Thanks to Ms. Cruz I'm feeling a little better all day she let me stay in the back and keep my head down and I didn't have to work the whole time and now it's brad's class which is four period I am excited but I'm not going to trying and get sent to Lauren's office I really don't want to see her right now I avoid her for three periods I'm not giving up now

"Yo Y/n your back bud" Zayn one of my good friend better yet a best friend better then Justin that's for sure "yeah so what's been up in Mr. Simpson's class"

"Nothing really, just him teaching and kicking people out as usual and I heard your in my class now"

I chuckled and open up my locker "yeah my classes got changed up a little"

"So what are you doing to Mr. Simpson today because it's a new class" I got my book out for Bradley's class and closed it "don't know yet I don't want to get sent to Ms. Jauregui's cause I been in trouble enough for a months" Zayn laughed nodding "for real just chill in his class this class is pretty boring" I nodded and we headed to the class room

Principal JaureguiWhere stories live. Discover now