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~A week Later~
"You two haven't made any wedding plans really?!" Camila yelled along with Ariana I chuckled walking in the living room with Caleb in my arms,

"How could we? Just last week we just got engaged?" I added placing a peck on Lauren's lips and taking a seat on the floor so Caleb could go play,

"You two are crazy for each other so we thought maybe the wedding would be soon" Ariana added we both look at each other and laughed

"Yes I'm crazy for her but if Lauren wants to wait then I'm okay with it" I added grabbing a hold of her hand staring at the ring on her finger making me smile even bigger,

"Lauren don't get pregnant before this wedding" Camila added

"No Camz I won't" she giggled giving my hand a squeeze I chuckled kissing her hand,

"Well I have to head to work so talk to you love birds later" i stood up giving my best friend a hug,

"I can't believe you didn't flaunt your fiancée to everyone" I chuckled standing beside Lauren's chair,

"It was Lauren's decision and she didn't want everyone paying attention to our engagement it was our little mans birthday and it was prefect" Camila nodded with a satisfied smile,

"My parents know so that's good" Lauren added picking up Caleb,

"Ugh I can't believe you finally popped the question to lolo!" I chuckled smiling starting over to her, god i cause wait to call her my wife and not girlfriend,

"Well I can't imagine my life without her or Caleb"

"Cheesy but cute" I groan pushing Camila's head and walking to the kitchen but not before hearing Camila say "I'm going to kick her baby makers" and hearing Lauren's adorable laugh.

On Caleb's birthday Lauren decided not to tell anyone about our engagement and if they asked we would answer but no one really noticed the ring on her finger everyone was just paying attention to our beautiful son,

My phone rang and I look at the caller ID sighing ever since Caleb's birthday my parents have been call  me over and over they wanted to attend Caleb's party but I didn't think it was good for them to came for his party and meet everyone and say some idiotic shit, I told them I will talk to them and see if I am comfortable of them seeing him but they won't leave me alone.

I pick up going out to the yard,


"Finally Y/n we been calling" I rolled my eyes at how annoyed my mother sound,

"Yeah I know if I didn't answer the first time why keep trying?"

"Y/n we would really like to see our grandson he just turned one we want to be part of his life be grandparents to him" I hear my father add in the back

"Yeah well I'm not sure just get"

"It's been a year Y/n please"

"Yes I understand that but before he was even born you didn't want anything to do with me or him"

"We were angry Y/n you can't blame us especially that you knocked up your fucking principal of all people"

"Ok and?"

"And" they chuckled and took a pause I know where this is going,

"We thought that she was taking advantage of you and was trapping you with the baby for god stakes she's five years older then you"

"You guys still don't like her do you?" They stayed quiet I bit my lip cutting the call short I sighed placing my phone on the table that I didn't notice I smacked it rather hard,

"Babe" I look up and see Lauren with Caleb in her arms I smiled and took Caleb out her arms

"Hey buddy" I kissed his head while he reached for my phone

"Camila left she had to pick Sofi up from a friends place, are you okay?" I placed Caleb down on his mat that his uncle Chris got him to play while he's outside and he quickly started playing with his cars

"Um yeah I'm fine" I added pulling her over to take a seat on my lap she smiled smoothing my hair behind my ear

"Are you sure? you almost shattered our table" she giggled picking up my phone I chuckled leaning my head on her shoulder

"Yes I didn't mean to do that" she giggled smoothing my hair,

I sighed happily pulling Lauren closer I looked over to our son and he was playing with his race car track and laughing each time the car flew pass his little feet,

Why can't my parents just get over it already I'm not a kid anymore this is one of the reasons I won't let them see Caleb because I don't want them talking bad about his mother in front of him he may not understand but the day he does it won't be pretty.

Lauren and I been through a lot and I don't need my parents ruining my perfect moment, we just got engaged it's no time to be fighting with others.

A/n: long fucking time anyways it's a little update then you know the ending soon to come sadly but

Thank you so much for all the votes and comments it means a lot to me. I sometimes don't show how much I appreciate it but I do so very much thank you again❤️

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