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•Next day•
Your pov,
I was sitting in Brad's class bored out my mind he was just bitching about a girl he likes to us, and that girl is always Lauren he will never give up, well there isn't many of us now because some of this class graduated three months ago because they just had to finish up some state exams so they were out lucky asses

It was about 6 of us Zayn was one of those kids that graduated three months ago I was supposed to be one too but like the many times I was expended and absent fuck me up so I have to stay in here until next month

"Ugh Mr. Simpson this story is prophetic and annoying as hell, can we just stay quiet or something?" I spoke up waving my pen he gave me that death stare and was going to speak when a kid cut him off

"She's kinda right, can we stop talking about that girl you keep whining about" I laughed high fiving the boy

"I can sent the two of you to the principles office" the kid groan leaning back on his seat

I just rolled my eyes leaning back on my chair "honestly I don't give a fuck if I go to the principles office schools over in four weeks"

Brad walked up to my desk and he fucking kicked my chair causing me to fall on my back

"What the fuck, you can't just drop me out my chair"

"I didn't do anything, did anyone see me" everyone said quiet as usual

"Fuck off Mr. Simpson this is student abuse meant I'm still a student" he bend down to be leveled to me

"You aren't a kid Y/n, stop your whining and get up" I pushed my desk with my foot standing up holding my lower back fucking chair

The bell ringed everyone quickly left Brad smirked going back to his desk

"You're a little bitch Brad" he laughed picking up his bag

"I'm not the one picking fights with her teacher" he smirked smacking my lower back with his fist causing me to groan

Fuck that hurt

I grabbed his bag pulling him back "what the fuck is your problem" he pushed me away and I hit his desk

Fuck man why am I getting hit on my back so much??

"You are Y/n, you're my fucking problem" his little short self yelled pushing me back on his desk I groan gripping onto his shirt kicking him away making him crash against the door

"Oh so you decided to fight me low-key" i fist my hands he back up dropping his back

"I'm not fighting you 'low-key' what ever that word is, I'm just getting my little revenge on you for taking something that belonged to me" I laughed walking closer to him

"And that is?" I smirked but that smirk quickly went away when I felt his fist get in contact with my jaw

I moved back holding my jaw turning to him

"You know what you little shit" I spit the blood out my mouth and swing my fist to his face harder then he did

He fall groaning holding his face I got on top of him punching him over and over

Lauren's pov,
It was lunch and I was waiting on Y/n for the past 10 minutes she should've been her a while ago I got up from my desk heading to her class

Maybe she got left back

I got to her 4 period class room and open the door slightly hearing cries and yelling

"And stay..away from...my... Lauren and...baby" I gasped and Y/n looked up she was breathing heavily then I see Brad push her off him and hit my baby

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