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*Not proofread*
Your pov,
"Where have you been?" I just stepped foot in my hotel room dang

"With my family I told you"

"You said for a few hours not all night and all morning" I sighed taking my jacket off

"I'm sorry, Lauren said I could stay over so I did I missed bring there" my couch and basically babysitter Maia sighed sitting behind me

"Are you telling me the truth"

"Yes why would I lie?"

"I don't know I just don't want you to return to rehab" I looked down to my lap and nodded

After my stupid little break with Lauren I started drinking and getting high any chance I got and working while drunk or high and the only times I was sober was when it was my turn to watch Caleb but that only lasted two weeks because I couldn't control myself I wanted to get high and drunk out my mind all the time

Zayn and Ariana saw how unhealthy and unstable I was getting with myself and they took me up town to this rehab that Ariana's friend Maia Mitchell works at so that's basically where I been for the past two months I would've been there longer but I begged Maia to let me out early just to see Caleb and Lauren

Maia wasn't sure if I was ready to be released so she just joined me back her to my little town but I had to stay in this hotel for a week and in that little week the whole town thought I was back but with a new girlfriend and that wasn't the case I was eager to see Lauren even more

And yesterday Maia gave me the appropriate to see Lauren and Caleb so I took as quick as possible I can't drive or use a cell phone so I had to walk to Lauren's favorite sushi place and buy a few stuff for Caleb and then walk all the way to her place it worth the walk though when I saw their beautiful bright smiles once again

"I'm not and I won't return there I'm doing better I promise" I smiled sitting up

"I believe you because you're doing this for your family and I know you will achieve it" I nodded standing up "I'm gonna shower and we're gonna go out to eat then you're gonna take me shopping for my son and drop me off at Lauren's house after" she sighed shaking her head

"Y/n you missed yesterday routine you have to make it up today" I stopped on my track and turned to her "really Mitchell" she nodded

"Okay can we do them right now then"

"Of course we don't want that baby boy missing his mother" I smiled following her

Lauren's pov,
Finally my lunch break now I can call my mom and check up on Caleb head out for lunch

"Ms. Jauregui someone is in your office" Megan my assistant said to me before I opened my office door

"Oh who is it?"

"They didn't want me to say" she smiled I raised a brow and open my door and see the familiar sitting and cocky pose

I look to Ms. Megan and she just smiled ready to leave for her lunch break

"Have a good lunch Ms. Jauregui"

"Thank you, you as well"

I walk into my office shutting the door getting the girls attention

"What's up principle Jauregui" I would be lying if I said I didn't missed that voice in this office

"Y/n what are you doing here"

She laughed crossing her arms "well I'm not a student here anymore and I know you were always looking forward to school all the time because my annoying ass was here so I thought why not give principle Jauregui one more chance to kick my ass out her office" she smirked looking back to me

Principal JaureguiWhere stories live. Discover now