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Your pov,
"Y/n" Lauren giggled trying to push me off of her I chuckled kissing her neck and tickling her causing her to laugh

"Y/n stop..I'm going...to pee" I laughed sitting up with the biggest smile on my face

Lauren sighed placing her hands on my thighs

"I hate you"

"No you don't why are you lying!" I pinned her arms beside her head seeing that adorable smile

"I love you" I whispered leaning down to place a little kiss on her lips letting go of her arms

"I love you too" Lauren whispered placing her hands on my waist

"Don't we have to wake Caleb up?" I asked getting off of Lauren

It was around one in the afternoon and Caleb was taking an nap since 11 which then he won't wanna sleep for a later nap

"Yeah do you wanna get him or should I"

I pushed Lauren back down on the bed and jump off running out the room hearing her yell my name out

"Y/N" I chuckled walking into Caleb's room

I walked to his crib seeing him sound asleep

"Hey little man" he jumped sightly but settled I placed my hand on his little chest to calm him, he groan curling up yawning and lay back again

"Why are you so sleepy baby" I chuckled shaking him slightly

He groan swinging his hands and kicking slightly

"Wake up you had enough of a nap" he frown about to start crying I quickly stop shaking him and he stopped his frown and smiled slightly

"Oh you little sneak you, Caleb it's time to wake up so open up those beautiful eyes of yours" I lean forward to see if he does but he didn't do anything

Did he really just fall back asleep

"Caleb Y/l/n Jauregui wake your little cute butt up"  I picked him up gently but he didn't awaken

"Fine lets go see if mommy can wake you up" I walked out his room back to mine and Lauren's room

"Lauren he won't wake up" Lauren looked away from the tv to us smiling

I laid Caleb down and he just stretch and just stayed laying with his arms and legs out

"Caleb amor wake up" Lauren whisper leaning down kissing his cheek and cuddling into his neck

"Baby wake up" she kissed his cheek once more shaking his little hands

Caleb groan but opened up his eyes I looked at Lauren then at Caleb

"Okay I see who he loves more" I across my arms in front of me Lauren laughed letting Caleb stretch once again

"He loves us both equally"

"No he loves you more, don't you baby" I lean down kissing his cheek but he just groan

"See I kissed him and he groan, you are lucky I don't care that you love mommy more" I say poking his cheek

"Because I love mommy also" I chuckled pecking Lauren's lips

"And we love you mama" I smiled sitting beside Lauren just watching our beautiful baby boy

Later on the day we just sat in bed watching movies and playing with Caleb but now Lauren decided on that we go visit her parents I agree too because her parents think we're still fighting and I rather go show them my face instead of Mike driving all the way here to yell at me in my own place

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