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Your pov,
"I'll started getting the snacks and drinks" Lauren stood facing everyone

"I'll join-" I get cut off when I feel Normani cover my mouth with her hand

"What?" Lauren question turning to us

"Put extra butter" Dinah yelled


When Lauren was out of the room Normani let me go

I sat back up and slowly turn to the girls

"Hey" I mumbled they all looked at me with close eyes i shifted in my seat moving away from them

Why did I sit on the couch with them, oh right Lauren told me too

"You seem a little young to get in a bar"

Fuck I knew they won't believe that lie

"Oh really and why would you say that" I crossed my arms watching their every move

"Well for one you have a baby face" Ally pinched my cheeks giggling I pulled away holding my cheeks

"Ow that hurt" I mumbled rubbing my cheeks why did she have to pinch me so hard

"Sorry, how old are you Y/n ?"

"Eighteen" they looked surprised with my answer

Do I really look younger then the age I am ?!

"Well I guess she did meet Lauren at the bar" I hear Camila whisper

"How long are you two friends for?"

Shit I guess sense last year when I would just get my punishment and leave but I got the balls to talk to Lauren this year

"For maybe a year we just recently got close" I smiled they nodded

"Have you lived in Miami long?"

"My whole life yes"

"Have you ever cheated on anyone?"

"What's your favorite movie?"

"What's your favorite music?"

"Do you have any siblings?"

"Do you work?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Do you live alone?"

"Are you trying to fuck Lauren?" Dinah said out loud

I rolled my eyes about to speak up when I hear my name being called

"Y/n!" I stood up and smirked

"I'll be back" I turned and walked to the kitchen

"You're friends just started questioning me is this some sort of plan of yours because I didn't know this was part of the date"

I say right when I see Lauren she placed the stuff down turning to me

"What are you talking about?"

"Your friends questioned me.....a lot"

Lauren cross her arms leaning on the kitchen island

"I didn't have any idea they would question you what did they ask?"

"Yo what's taking so long the movie is going to start"

Lauren sighed turning back to the bowls of popcorn

"We'll talk later can you help me, please"

I nodded going over to get the drinks she had out already

We walked back placing everything down for the girls I walked back in the kitchen to get the rest

I walked back out and I see the girls whispering with Lauren

I moved back trying my best to listen

"Lauren that girl is a little young for you, I hope you're not dating her"

"She's probably not even out of high school, is she a student from your high school?"

"What?" Lauren asked crossing her arms

"She is, isn't she" Dinah whispered yelled

Damn it they got Lauren

"No she's not guys stop, you made her feel awkward and I don't need my best friends questioning my new friend"

"We're watching out for you Lauren" Ally whispered

"Lauren if she is one of your students you need to cut this out now" Dinah husked leaning back on the couch

Why does Dinah hate me so much I haven't done anything she doesn't even know me

I walked back in placing the stuff down

They all separated picking up the drinks

Lauren grabbed a hold of my hand leading me out of the living room

We turned to her hall to get to her stairs, she pushed me against the wall put our lips in hard kiss

I gripped her hips kissing back letting her dominant me

Lauren bit my bottom lip pulling away I opened my eyes staring at her

"You're still up for this right, making us work?" She asked with her voice filled with worry

"Yeah of course baby" I cupped her cheek

She nodded wrapping her arms around my waist laying her head on my shoulder

I wrapped my arms around her smoothing her back

"6 more months" she whispered I understood what she meant

6 more months for school to end and then I'll be graduated we won't have to keep hiding

"Let's go back before um...everyone comes finding us" I whispered kissing her head

"Ok" she whispered pulling away from me

"We're going to be okay Lauren, I promise" I whispered moving some of her hair out her face

She nodded smiling slightly

A/n: this sucks cause I'm writers blocked but I'll update again later

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