🔸 Pretty weird, pretty great 🔸

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I hope you'll like this

Maddy's P.O.V

Me and me mates Tom and Shannon were in the school back yard, waiting for Rhydian.
Classes were finally over and we were about to go to me house for a dinner.

As usually Rhydian got detention, that's why we're stuck here.

"What took him so long?" Tom complained and Shann rolled her eyes at him.

I chuckled.
Me thoughts went away for a while, I was suddenly thinking about how handsome Rhydian got after he came back from wild.

As soon as I realised I was thinking about him I felt me face heat up and a small smile formed on me lips.

"Mads!" I heard Shannon yelling in me ear. My wolf insticts worked up and I quickly jumped and growled slightly.

I saw them staring at me wide eyed.

"We called your name few times."

"Oh sorry guys I was just thinking.."

My voice trailed off when I saw Rhydian.

Shannon and Tom smirked at me. I rolled me eyes.

"Hey guys." He said and I felt my stomach twists.

We all greeted him and made our way to me house.

At Maddy's home...

Maddy's P. O.V.

"Mum! We're home!"

I yelled as we got in the house.

"Okay cub dinners ready! "

She yelled from kitchen.

I groaned.

"Mum! Im not a cub!"

I heard Rhydian chuckles.

Oh great, thanks a bunch mom!

As soon as us "kids" changed into some comfier clothes me, me parents and ofc me gang were eating.

"This is amezin' mrs. Smith. " Rhydian said.

Mom thanked him or something.

It was pretty weird.

We finished eating and Tom and Shannon left.

Rhydian was staring in me house tonit.


"Mads? Whats wrng? You're realky quiet ".

Rhydian said and sat next to me on sofa.

"Rhyd its nothin. "

I sad and looked down.

He hugged me all the sudden.
I hugged him back tightly and sobbed.
"I missed you. Dont you ever leave again. " i sobbed on his shoulder.

"I love you Mads. "

Me heart stopped. I swear it stopped.

Well.... Action speaks louder than Words.

I kissed him. And finally I was alive again.

Hope you liked it!!!

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