🔸 lovesick school girls ~ think I just became one 🔸

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Hey guys, Adelisa here!
I love ya'll!!!! i got 215 reads for a such a short time!!!! yay!!!! i'm glad u like it!!!!
Also , i will write 20 more chapters!!! yay!!!! bcoz, i'm inspired!
all one~shots!
this takes place when Maddy met Rhydian at class ~it's just a littlle scene that poped in my head~


Maddy's pov

I walked into class with my best mates, Tom and Shannon.

When I was about to sit, I smelled a wolfblood scent!

In here!

I turned around to see a tall, blonde and really handsome guy.

And he ...

He was the wolfblood!

And I should banish him from here!

But he's just....

In that moment I was starin' at him,

and he lifted his head up , and looked at me.

My heart fluttered and I quickly turned around.

''Okay , silence, everyone!

Maddy sit down!''

Jeffries yelled, and I sat.

''This is Rhydian Morriss!'' he said pointing to the blonde guy.

''Who is , i'm guessing, from Weles?''

The blonde replayed ''No'', tottally confused and bored.

Whole class bursted out laughing,

while Jeffries was yelling, but

no one gave a hell about it.

I saw hurted look on Rhydian's face,

and I get up, and shouted -

''Everyone, shut up!''

It was so loud that whole class, including Jeffries, our had teacher, turn around.


Rhydian was smiling at me slightly,

wnich melted me like an ice cream.

I blushed.

''What's so funny?!

You see the new pupil and he's immidietly your mocking toy!

Why don't you just back of for once and shut up?!''

I yelled.

I saw Rhydian smiling wildly at me, and I smiled back at him.

The students faces droped dead, and they buried it in the books.

''Well, looks like silence finaly visited this place. Rhydian, sit next to Maddy, and let's get started with the class.

By the way, I'm mr. Jeffries, your head teacher.''

Rhydian nodded and sat next to me.

''Hi, I'm Maddy.'' I said smiling.

''Hey. Thanks for that.'' he said smiling, wnich made my stomach ache!

''No problem. '' i said, and he nodded.

A few minutes later, I moved closer to him, and whispered in his year.-

''I know that you're wolfblood''.

and pulled away.

His eyes widened, and Shann and Tom were staring at us.

I flashed my yellow eyes at him and smiled.

He stayed shocked, but then smiled wildly.

''You're like me!'' he half yelled in my ear.

I nodded and smiled.

He pulled away, as our faces were close enough to feel each other breath.

We quickly pulled away as we heard Tom cough.

''What?'' Rhydian said innocently.

I saw Shann smirking at me, and I just glared.

''Maddy, Rhydian! pay attention,

OR you'll get detention! '' said jeffries trying to act cool, but his face looked hilarius!

Me and rhydian chuckled and buried our faces in books.

Gosh, those lovesick school girls...

Think I just became one of those.

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