🔸 Redial 🔸

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Based on a song ''Redial'' that was performed by Laura Marano in TV
show ''Austin and Ally''~i won't use full lyrics~
Rhydian's upset bcoz Ceri, his mum showed up after twelwe years, but his foster parents grounded him from having bed grades so he can't go to Maddys.
Though he always had a huge crush on her, first of all, she's his bestie.
Who will Rhydian call?

Rhydian's pov

''Why can't I go to Mads?!''

I yelled to my foster mum, and walked downstairs.

She walked behind me

''You know why, Rhydian! Jeffries told me about your bad grades, and don't you dare deny it! you're gonna

spend whole night in your room and study for tommorows exam!''

She yelled back.

Shit. I felt my eyes begun to change yellow and my black vains growed on my neck and hands.

I calmed myself down and took a deep breath.

''Why don't you understand that I need he-e jeez I mean I need to talk to her!'' I bit my tongue.

''Rhydian, you'll see your girlfriend tomorow, now please, go upstairs and study, okay?''

She said in her sweet tone.

''Agh, fine! And Maddy's not my girlfriend!''

I yelled blushing, and made my way upstairs slowly.

''Then why you two are always together and you melt next to each other?''

She said leaning against the kitchen table.

I blushed deeply.

''Umm... I have to err study!''

The last word came out really quickly and she rolled her eyes.

I went to my room and took my math book.

I sighed. Great. note the sarcasam.

How am I suppost to focus when I all can think about is Ceri?!

Fuck. I'll call Mads.

Only she can help me now.

I took my phone clicked call.

Who do I call just to say what's up
When a day got me down again?
And who do I bug on my five minutes break?
Cuz I know that you'll give me ten.

And who do I call cuz I love that song,
and I know you'll sing along with me.
When I need to make a day.

''Hello?'' I heard Maddy's voice on the phone.

I felt relief.

''Hey, Mads. Are you free to talk?''

''Yeah, of course, Rhyd, what's wrong?''

Then silence.

''I still know you're there, blonde hair.'' She joked,

I loughed.

''Yeah, it's just... Ceri.''

''Rhydian .. I know it's hard. Why don't you ask her what happend?''

''i don't know.'' I said honestly.

''Don't think about it, let it smooth till tomorow, and then decide, okay?''

''Okay.Thanks, Mads.



I hung up and tried to study.

Agh, I can't, I have to call her again.

I took my phone and called her again.

and who do I call,
When I need to hear hello,
Let me go on,
though she heard it all before.
And who do I call just to make me smile?
I'll wait, for a while,
and redial.

''Rhydian?'' I heard her voice again.

''You don't mind if I talk again?''

I asked hopefully.

''Rhydian... Of course not. I'm your best friend and besides, I lo-ove listening to you.''

I smiled wildly.

''Thanks Mads. I don't know what I'd do without you.''

I'd be so alone,
Without you on the telephone,
I'd be so alone,
Without you on the telephone...

''Should I come over?''

She asked.

oh, i wish...

''I wish Mads, but I'm grounded.''


Listen Rhydian, about Ceri...

Umm...If..err....If Ceri isn't guilty, then.. er Are you going to.. leave with her?''

I heard her voice tremble.

''No! I mean.. I can't.''

''Why not?''

''Because I'd rather live in human world with someone I err.. love instead of living in wild with bunch of people that...''



''....I love you too.''

My heart stopped.

A huge smile spread accross my face.

''Rhydian? Are you...''

''Yeah. I love you, Mads.''

''I love you too, Rhydian.''

''I'll see you tomorow, yeah?''

''Yeah, bye.''

I hung up.

''God!'' I yelled and fell backwards.

I smiled wildly.

Maybe studying isn't that bad.

And who do I call?
When I need to hear hello?
Let me go on...
Though she heard it all before,
And who do I call to make me smile?
I'll wait for a while,
and redial.

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