🔸 Future is nice 🔸

536 22 7

Dedicated to loulouteNiina

Bcoz she supported my book!

Maddian in the future!!
They are parents, and they have doughter Lianna.
Just a fluffy maddian one~shot.

No One's pov

''Good morning, honey.''

Rhydian said to Maddy and

kissed her forehead.

It was morning, so they were lying in bed, enjoying in peace.

''Good morning, Rhyd. Slept well?''

''Next to you? Always.'' Rhydian said and smiled.

Maddy smiled back.

She leaned in to kiss him, but here's the noise that they loved so much.

''Mummy! Daddy!'' Lianna, their six year old doughter yelled, and jumped on their bed.-,

holding a teddy bear.

''Morning sweety.'' Maddy said and kissed her doughter cheek.

''Can I lay with you, guys?''

Maddy smiled.

''Of course sweety.'' Rhydian said and lied down his adorible doughter.

Future really sounds nice.

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