🔸CHANGED - part 3 🔸

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hey, guys!!! i'm really glad u like my fanfic! although i have 40 reads, i'm happy cuz that number grew really fast!!! and it's still grow!!! lol, this is third and sadly the last part of ''Changed''.
Hope you'll like it!!!
p.s. maybe if i got inspired there will be part 4, but i'm not sure .
If u want part 4 let me know - comment or send me a message!!!

rhydian's pov

i ren to stoneybridge for two days,

and finnaly, today, i got there.

i run to Maddy's house.

God! i thought to myself as i knocked on door.

Emma's pov

me and Dan were in the kitchen when we heard knock on the door.

''I got it.'' Daniel said.

Daniel's pov

I went to the door and open them

where i saw rhydian!

''hey! rhydian!''

i hugged him.

''Honey, who's... Rhydian? what are you doing here?''

emma asked shocked.

''Honey!'' i said giving her the ''don't be rude'' look.

'' i know. You don't want me here, but the only reason i'm here is Mads.''

and then their looks went down.

''why don't you come in?''

''mrs. smith, please tell me where's Maddy.'' i said honestly scared of their answer.

they looked each other.

oh, no!

What if something happend to her?!

i start to shake slightly.

''rhydian! she's fine!'' mrs. smith said.

''but..'' mr.smith continued.

but what?! i shouted and my eyes turned bright yellow.

then i got eolas vizion.

maddy knocked down some guy and her eyes were yellow and she had black vains. she was about to transform.

i gasped loudly.

''what?'' emma asked worridly while daniel were staring, confused.

Maddy is in the trouble!

i have to go!

i said and sprinted off to school.

at school...

once i reached the school i entered in.

i sniffed the air, looking for Maddy's scent.

everybody were staring at me, asking questions, but i followed Maddy's scent, when i finnaly saw maddy on the top of the guy, surrended by students.

i run to her and grabbed her on waist, pulling her away.

at the first place she turned to me and pulled away, growling, but when she saw me she just stoped.

i couldn't believe how she looked like! she didn't look like mads, she looked like...

she was wearing black tanktop with cuts, really short denim shorts and black high heels, and her hair was... blonde.

'' Maddy?! you look...'' i couldn't find the words.

jeffries yelled, but she sprinted of.

i run after her to woods.

you could feel cold air on your face, and stoneybridge's woods looked amezing to me.

it brang so many great memories.

she was fast. i never saw her running that fast.

but, i was faster, i jumped on her back.

we fell down the ditch, in the leaves.

i was on the top of her.

''what are you want?!'' she growled.

''Mads, what happend to you?!''

''what happend to me?! you happend!

you live withou..''

and then i smeshed my lips on hers, at first she growled, but then she kissed back.

well, i hope u liked it!!! if u want me to continue, comment!!! and plz vote!!!

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