🔸 PUPPY LOVE ~ dedicated to @stopalphabeta 🔸

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author's note ~ this is dedicated to @stopalphabeta cuz they dedicated one chapter of their wolfblood fanfic to me!!! love you guys.

this is one~shot wnich is filled with maddian and only maddian!
hope u like it!!!

No one's pov

rhydian was lying in the woods under an tree, with maddy's head resting on his chest.

It was autamn so leaves were all over the place.

air was fresh, but not freezing.

besides who needs to warm up when he has love to keep his heart warm?


''what is it mads?''

''what if Whitewood find out our secret?''

''mads, don't worry about it.''

he said kissing top of her head.

maddy hugged him and stayed like that.

''you sure? i mean...''

''mads, if she does, i'll chase her down , and no matter what, I won't let her hurt you! i love you.''

then rhydian stood up and kissed maddy on the lips.

his lips warmed up her body and made her stomach flutter.

Same was with rhydian, he felt like he was in heaven.

''I love you too, rhydian.''

she said and hugged him tightly.

''nothing can keep me away from you, okay?''


so, i just wanted to write a fluffy maddian one~shot and i hope you liked it!!!

love u all,
EXwolfygeek219 .

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