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hope u all enjoy in ur christmas!!!!
And I hope ur christmas wishes will come true!!!!

lots of love,
~enjoy reading!~

Maddy's pov

Me parents were in town for christmas shoping, and I was with Rhydian at home.

''Whatcha doing , Mads?''

He asked me sitting next to me on the couch.

''I'm making a family picture- wall.''

I said.

''What's that?'' he asked taking a sip of hot chocolate.

''Well, I made a big wooden frame,

so, I've got our family pictures and some decorations.I'm making something like a diary of me family ''

he smiled. ''That sounds great. want me to help you?''

He said giving me that cheeky smile that... oh shut up!

''Well, I need some pics of you and umm... me.. together., so....''

I said looking down , blushing.

''No problem, I've got many.

I'll bring them now!''

he said jumping up.

I sighed in relief since I was littlle nervous of what he'd say.

And then I felt warm lips on my cheek.

I jumped, when I saw Rhydian's beautiful face.

Shut up!

''thanks.'' he said.

''for what, Rhyd?''

''for thinking of me as your family.''

aww that's so sweet, I thought.

''You don't have to thank me, you are part of me family.''

I said and his face was still close to mine.

He smiled wildly.

''Well, I'll bring the pics now.''

I nodded and he went to his room.

I smiled to myself, and the feeling of flying was still hold on me.

Do I ...

oh shut up!

I said out loud and I continued working.

a hour later.....

Me and Rhydian finished our family diary, and it's amezing!

I put me the pics of me,mum, dad together, pics of Rhydian with all of us, pic of me, rhydian , shannon and tom, and, one pic of me and rhydian together on the couch, with Rhydian's arms around my waist and me sitting on his lap.

so emberessing, I thought!

''House decoration - done!

Family pics- done.

what about christmas's tree?''

Rhydian asked.

''We'll wait for mum and dad so we can do it together, hum?''

Rhydian agreed.

''Hey guys!''

We heard me mum and dad says slowly entering in , bringing bunch of bags in.

''Let me help you, Mrs. Smith.''

Rhydian said and took her bags.

''Thanks, Rhydian.''

''Wow! you guys did a great job here!''

I heard dad says, pointing to our house decoration.

''You haven't seen the best part yet!'' I said and show them our family diary that was hanging on the wall.

''Aww, Maddy, honey...''

mum said '' It's beatiful!''

dad continued.

''Thanks, Rhydian helped.''

I said smiling to him , and he come behind me, puting his arms around me shoulders.

I smiled.

''We should call Tom and Shannon to join us decorating christmas tree ''.

I said.

''yeah, call them now, they're part of the pack!''

Mum said.

a two houres later.... ~ sorry, I don't know how to spell houres, i only know how to spell one hour~

''It's awesome!!! Shann yelled observing the christmas tree that we just finished decorating.

''Must say, pretty awesome!''

Tom said.

we all loughed, and made our way to kitchen.

Me parents went first,

me and Rhydian behind them,

with Shann and Tom following us.

after me parents went in,

I felt someone pushed my back, also I saw Tom pushing Rhydian,

and the next I knew,

I was standing on the kitchen doors,

with Rhydian, under the mistletoe!

''Shann!'' i said.

they just smirked and went in the kitchen, leaving us under the mistletoe.

''Umm...'' I said trying to find the words.

But I was interputed by Rhydian's lips on mine.

His lips were so warm and soft, it made my stomach flutter and me heart beats fast!

I kissed back.

We broke apart gasping for air.

''I love you.'' I said.

Rhydian smiled wildly.

''I love you too.''

''Merry Christmas Mads.''

''Merry Christmas Rhydian.''

we said and then hugged, blushing!

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