🔸 Truth or Dare🔸

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The whole ''pack'' is at Maddy's house, having the movie night, also Jana and Aron here.
~i imagined that Alric sent Aron with Jana at the first place~.

Shannon's pov

Me, Tom, Rhydian, Jana and Aron are at Maddy's house.

We just finished watching the ''Ghost vs. Werewolf''.

''That movie was so scary!'' Tom said pressing the ''stop'' button.

''It wasn't! And It's obviosly that they think werewolfs are stupid!''

Maddy yelled taking more popcorns.

''Yeah, tottaly agree.'' Rhydian said said.

''So, you're doing this often? Just you guys watching that big shiny box in the dark?'' Jana asked, and we all loughed.

''It's call TV, Jana. And yes, we do. It's call movie night.

Jana nodded with i-didn't-know-that! expression.

''So, what next?'' Aron asked.

''Let's play truth or dare!''

I said.

''yeah!'' they all jumped and formed a circle, crossing their legs.

''We often played this with the pack! It's funny!'' Jana said exitedly.

Maddy's pov

We sat forming a circle.

''I go first!'' Shann said smiling.

''Rhydian, truth or dare?''

''umm... Dare.'' Rhydian said.

As always, smiling and melting my heart.

Shannon smirked. ''I dare you to make out with Maddy until I say stop.''

Shannon said smiling wildly,

and my and Rhydians jaw dropped.

''What?! Shann! that's not fair!'' I said trying to keep starn face, but I was blushing like and tomato.

''Yeah!'' Rhydian finnaly said.

''What means ''make-out''?'' Jana asked confused.

Tom chuckled.

''You'll see. Now do it!'' Shann yelled punching Rhydian playfully.

''Agh! Fine!'' Rhydian said jumping up like the dog just bit him on the wrong place.

I glared at Shannon and she smirked.

Rhydian sat next to me and leaned in to kiss me, cuping my face.

My body burned.

I kissed back.

''She said make out!'' Tom shouted evily.

Rhydian pulled away and glared .


He turned to me begun to kiss me hard, pulling me even closer to him by me waist.

I kissed back with all passion I had, wrapping my arms around his neck.

I felt his tongue on my lip and I let him in.

our tongues twisted and I was praying not to moan as Rhydian's hand went down my waist.

''Oh, gross, now you can't stop!'' Shannon yelled , and Tom shoting an ''Eeeuuuu''.

Jana and Aron were cuddled next to each other, sleeping.Haha.

Me and and Rhydian pulled away, breathing heavily, blushing, with no balls to look at each other.

''Well, you said make out, I mean...''

Rhydian said playing innocence.

'' you almost had sex in front of us!'' Tom shouted.

we blushed dark red.

''What the hell we didn't!'' we said in the same time, trying not to smile.

''mhm... Well, I'm going to get some popcorns. Tom, c'mere and help me.''

They went to kitchen, leaving us alone, while Jana and Aron were sleeping.

''Ummm....Mads?'' Rhydian said schratching his neck.

''Wha-at?'' I said with my voice shaky a littlle bit.

''Umm..did you umm...li-like that?''

He said with unsecure look on his face.

I blushed dark dark dark red!

''Uh... Y-yeah... I did.. a-a... a lot.' I finnaly said.

He smiled, melting me inside.

He came closer to me and brang his lips to mine.

I kissed back immidietly, cupping his face.

He deepened the kiss, pulling my face closer.

My arms immidietly went around his neck, and his went down my back and then up, under my shirt.

This time I couldn't help, I moaned quietly.

He smiled in the kiss, but continued kissing me.

we quickly pulled away, jumping up, when we heard Tom says ''Looks like you liked dare, hm?''

We blushed deeply, and Shannon chuckled.

''L-let's watch something.'' I said trying not to smile.

''Okay! But no snogging this time!''

Shann mocked.

I blushed,

and Rhydian said ''Can't promise that.'' he smirked at me and I smirked back.

This is definitivly the best movie night we ever had.

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