🔸 CHANGED - part 2 🔸

642 21 8

Maddy's pov

''hey babe.'' austin, the guy i ... never mind.

''austin , i told you i don't want to have nothing with you!''

i said angrly pushing past.

''i think that what you did with me last night says opposite''. he said in evil lusty tone.

that's when i lost.

my eyes turned yellow and i growled loudly.

everybody turned to us.

i grabbed him by neck and knocked him down on school floor.

''fight! fight! fight!'' the students yelled.

help! he yelled.

but then someone grabbed my waist and pulled me away from him.

i turned and growled on that person but when i saw who it is...

my voice trailed of.

it was my favourite and most hated person in the world.

it was someone who i loved.

who i still love.

it was spiky blonde teenager, named rhydian.

i heard jeffries yelling in the background, bv i only saw rhydian

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