🔸 star that landed on ground ~ dedicated to RaNd0m_InSaNiTy🔸

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dedicated to RaNd0m_InSaNiTy

Bcoz RaNd0m_InSaNiTy dedicated one chapter of ''Bad boy has my diary'' to me!
Hope u'll like it!

Maddy's parents are in Devon so Maddy's at Rhydians.
When níght fell, They sneaked outside to run to woods.

Rhydian's pov

''C'mon! '' I whispered to Mads as we jumped out of my window, landing on grass.

''Race ya!'' Mads yelled to me poucing my arm playfully.

She ren of to woods and I ren after her.

It was midnight but it was summer so it was hot, the sky was ful of stars and nature was beautiful.

We ran down the hill, landing on the clear ground.

We lied down on grass and took deep breath.

''wow! that was...great!'' I yelled trying to catch some breath.

''Yeah! We should do this more often, Rhyd!''

She said smiling wildly.

I couldn't help but feel tingling in my chest.

We lied like that for two minutes,

watching the stars on the night sky.

''It's beautiful , isn't it?''

Maddy spoke.


''The stars.''

''Yeah. They are.''

I said.

''But there's one that is brighter than every other.'' I said turning to her.

''Where?'' She asked searching the sky with her eyes.

''Oh, you won't find her on sky, Mads.

She landed on ground.

Next to me.'' I said turning to her smiling.

She smiled too, and though it was night but I could see her blush.

''Thanks, Rhydian.''

''Just sayin' truth.'' I whispered in her ear and pressed my lips to hers.

And again, I saw stars.

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