🔸Am I wrong?🔸

553 19 7

Based on a song ''Am I wrong'' that I wrote.
Maddy wants to be a photographer, she wants to achieve something in her life, but being succful and being a wolfblood...
You have to lie all the time..
Maddy hates it. Also, she hates that she likes Rhydian ...

Plz vote and comment, it mean a world for me!!!

Maddy's pov

I was at the class, it was monday, and typical.

Jeffries has an suprise for us, I wonder what it is.

''Okay, class. I talked to our head teacher, and he agreed to....organize a trip for us in Italy! You'll be able to take photo of every part of Roma,

who takes best photos, he's winner!''

Students screamed in exciment, including myself.

I love photography, I wanna be photographer and that's me dream!

I turned to Rhydian and he was loughing.

''What?'' I asked him still smiling excitedly.

''You're acting crazy, Mads.'' He said loughing.

I rolled me eyes at him.

But he's so adorable when he loughs.

Not like I'd admit it.

''But, he wants to be sure you'd be fine, so, you need to do a blood test so we can be sure you are completly healthy.''

Me smile immidietly droped.

Seriosly? Why I can't go somwhere where they can't find out I'm damn wolfblood?!

I screamed in myself.

A tear formed in me eyes but I didn't let them fall.

''I'm really sorry, Mads.'' I heard Rhydian whispers in my ear and put his hand on me shoulder.

I shruged and looked down.

The bell rang and I took me bag and rushed down the corridor.

I ren trough woods.

Am I wrong for thinking that I can reach all those things I have in my minds?
Am I wrong for thinking that I can fight those lies?
Am I wrong...
for thinking there is you and I?

I couldn't take it anymore, I sat under an tree, and begun to cry.

Yes, me life sucks.

''Don't cry, Mads.'' I heard a voice next to me.

I turned around and saw Rhydian smiling warmly at me.

It melt me heart.

I quickly wiped me cheeks and looked down.

''It sucks, right? We can't go to Italy just because they could find out we're wolfbloods. But it's gonna be fine, okay?''

He said friendly.

''Thanks, it's just... You know how much I love y.. I mean photography, Yeah, I love photography, and I can't go.

If this is how's gonna be forever, I'll never do what I want.''

I said blushing, hoping he didn't heard me almost saying I love you.

''I know Mads, but it's not gonna be like it, okay? I mean, when you turn 18 ya won't need... uh.. well, you get it, and I'm not good at conversations like this.''

He said playing with phone in his hands.

I loughed. ''Thanks.''

''No problem.'' He said and got up.

Don't leave me when I need you the most,
Cuz you are, my only hope,
without you,
boy I am lost.

I am lost..

really sucks sometimes.
But this time,
I only have you in my minds.
So, tell me, boy...
Am I wrong?

''Ya comin'?'' He asked.


''Y-yeah, you go, I'll catch you up.''

He smiled and nodded, then sprinted of.


Why would I ever thought this boy would like me?

I smiled sadly, and run fingers trough my hair.

Am I wrong for thinking I can reach all those things I have in
my minds?
Am I wrong for thinking I can fight those lies?
Am I wrong...
For thing there is you and I?

I took me beg, and got up.

I hate love.

I begun to run.

Runnin' is great wher you're wolfblood.

It clears your minds.

Rhydian's right.

I should never give up.

But no..
I will never give up,
Even if I'm on my own...
Cuz every time we lough,

Something warms my heart..

Maybe he feels the same..

Could he?

Probably not.

But I still like him.

I wish he gives me a sign!

Something! Anything!

Or just tells me if I'm right or wrong for thinking he likes me back?!


He'll never do it, does he?

Oh, well.

I can still hope, right?

I smiled to myself and once I get to school, I stopped.

Please, Rhydian, give me a sign if you like me.

I said to myself and walked in the school.

Silly, right?

Yeah ...
A lot of things,
that build up and brake my heart.

Am I wrong for thinking I can
reach all those things I have in my minds?
Am I wrong for thinking I can fight those lies..
Am I wrong,
for thinking there's you and I...?

and i am so sorry for the long update!

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