🔸 CHANGED - part 1 🔸

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first two months while rhydian was gone, maddy spend in her room.


but the pain changed maddy, and after two months maddy walked out of her room.

but that wasn't the maddy we know.

she had blonde curly hair, black lipstic, black eyeshadow and she was wearin' short denim shorts, that was reavilin' her perfect long legs,

a tight black tanktop and high black heels.

she was... she wasn't maddy.

at the first place her parents, and of course shannon and tom were tryin' to .. to help her.

but, maddy didn't only changed her look. Maddy, a sweet, good she-wolf we know now is the biggest troublemaker at school, she doesn't care about anyone.

she drinks, she spend nights with different boys and it seems no one can change her.

but, even herself knew that there is one person who can help her.

the one she loved and missed the most...

''rhydian!'' bryin yelled as i was drawing something in my scetchbook,

under an old tree.

i was drawing maddy.

oh , Lord knows how much i miss her.


''rhydian!'' bryin woke me up from my deep thoughts.

''what?!'' i said angrily jumping up .

''mum's calling you. she wants to talk to you.''

''about what?''

''i don't kn....

are you drawing Matilda again?''

he said taking my scetch book.

''Her name is Maddy.''

i said and took my scetchbook.

''you miss her?'' bryin asked in sweet brother tone.

''I....you wouldn't understand , let's just go .''

''whoa whoa whoa! what makes you say that?!''

i gave him confused look.

then some girl pass by us.

''hi, bryin! wanna..umm..come for run with me later?''

''really?! i mean... yeah..sure.''

the girl smiled and then sprinted off to her mum.

i saw bryin jumping up and down in joy.

''no way! my littlle brother got his first crush! i wanna know more!''

i said smiling wildly.

''shut up, she'll hear you! and don't change the subject! and...''

he was blushing.

''well, let's see what mum wanted''


we went to mum's cave.

''hey, mum.''

''my son.''

i smiled.

''we need to talk.''

''sure, mum, what is it?''

''it's your tame friend.''

''mum, she's not tame!''

i growled.

''whatever.'' bryin said.

'' i know you miss her, son.

and i understand.

you love her. and....''

with that her voice trailed of.

''mum, i do love her, but i don't get your point.''

''you have to go to her.

she's your mate.''

''really? you don't mind?''

i asked, and my heart beats fast just on the thought of seeing her again.

''as much as i'm happy you're here,

i hate seeing you like this.''

''thanks mum. i love you.''

then i hugged them both.

'' you'll come for visit?'' bryin asked.

''of course.'' i kissed his forehead.

''goodbye, guys. love you.''

and then i sprinted off.

off to stonybridge.

off to Maddy.

My Maddy.

a smile appeared on my face.

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