🔸 I am loosing my minds🔸

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based on the song ''I am loosing my minds'' that I wrote two years ago.
I thought lyrics isn't good, so I translated it in English, edited it a littlle bit, and BOOM !!!
Maddy is upset cuz Tom and Shannon were spying on them in darkroom, so she start to yell on them.
But Rhydian  always has control under this littlle shewolf.

Maddy's pov

''How dare you, calling us beasts?! ''

I growled at Shannon while Rhydian  was holding my arms.

''Maddy, calm down! I only was...''

''Only what?! Spying on me and Rhydian in the darkroom?!''

''Mads, she wasn't...''

''Oh, shut up, Tom! You...''

'' Okay, that's enough!'' Rhydian yelled and pushed me out of darkroom.

''C'mon!'' he said through the clenced teeth, grabbing my arm, pulling me outside.

Baby, I am loosing my minds,
cuz my world is cracking

Why I always fall after all my tries?

''Let me go, Rhydian! I growled at him, pushing him away as we get on the school playground.

''Are you kidding me?! You almost wolfed out in front of them!''

Rhydian yelled, flashing his yellow eyes at me.

''I don't care! I can't stand her anymore!'' I growled back, and sprinted of to woods.

Somethings burning me, and it is hate,
and it's so bed that I forgot my name.

I'm just enough of lies,
Babe, help me, I'm loosing my minds.

I felt Rhydian ren afer me.

I start to run at full speed,

Not even seeing the road.

yeah, they told me to face with all troubles that life brings,
to enjoy in littlle things,
they told me to hide,
so I can fly without wings.

I felt tears strimming down my face, and my cheeks burned,

But I kept running.

Suddenly I felt Rhydians arms tightly around me waist and we fell down the ditch.

and you came in right time,
giving me an heart attack,
you told me not to hide,
to keep my head high up.

''Push it off, Rhydian!'' I growled as he rolled on the top of me.

''You need to chill out, Mads! What if they exposed us?! '' He yelled in my face, growling, flashing his yellow eyes at me, and black vains grew on his neck.

That's it. I lost it.

how's possible that you're saying 'I hate you' but you're always on my side?
Why around you I feel like I can fly?
And why I always want you to be mine?

''You don't get it! If she proved that you were werewolf too, than I'd lost you, idiot! And I fucking can't live without you!'' I yelled in his face, as my wolf start to take over.

His expression was shocked while I talked, but as soon as I stopped his face was so close to mine,

and his eyes were locked on my lips.

Baby, I'm loosing my minds,
Kiss me, and it'll be alright.

He leaned in.

I leaned too.

Next thing I knew his lips were moving against mine.

It felt amezing, my whole body were burning, and my heart was beating so fast that I thought it was going to burst out of my chest.

And, yup, butterflies.

Yeah, I am loosing my minds,
cuz my world is cracking sometimes,

Why I always have to fall after all my tries?

But now I know how it feels when love strikes.

We pulled to breath.

''I love you.''

We said at the same time.

But I already was lost in his beautiful blue eyes.

I am loosing my minds...
Kiss me and it'll be alright.

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