🔸 Better together 🔸

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Based on a song ''Better together''
thatt was performed by Ross Lynch in TV show ''Austin & Ally'' .
Rhydian often got into troubles but
Maddy's always here to bring him down and help him.
This time, it's full moon, and
Maddy and Rhydian must be home at five a.m.
But Rhydian got two detentions, wnich means he must stay at school for two hours more.

Rhydian's pov

''Hey, welshie! Where's your girlfriend?'' Jimmi mocked.

''I'm here, and I'm not his girlfriend.''

Maddy snapped, and unlocked her locker.

''So, full moon in the cellar?''

I asked annoyed.

''Rhydian, you know mum and dad.

Of course it's full moon at the cellar.''

She replayed with funny look on her face.

I couldn't help but lough.

''Let's go.'' She said and locked up her locker.

Just when we were about to go,

Jimmi went to us.

I rolled my eyes.

''What are you want?'' I snapped.

''Is it true that you and Maddy did that in the woods last friday? Everybody talks about that.''

He said with evil glence.

I felt my heart begun to beats fast.

What if he cought us wolfing out?

''Did what, Jimmi?!'' Maddy snapped.

''Is it true that you two had...''

''What the hell are you talking about?! we didn't...''

Maddy yelled, after realising what he meant to say.

True, we acted suspicius last friday, but it was lunar exlipse! We had to run to woods! and How could they possibly think we ...

Fuck it.

I could feel my body tensed up and my black vains grew on my neck.

''Oh, c'mon, don't play innocence! We both know you're not so innocent anymore.'' He smirked and I lost it.

I growled and knocked him down.

''Rhydian! Stop!'' Maddy yelled.

''What is going on there?!'' jeffries yelled.'

''He kn..''

''I don't care, you both have dettention!''

''What?! Rhydian, we can't...''

Mads pulled me up.

''Not tonight!'' She yelled.

''I'm sorry, Mads.''

''What were you thinking?!

It's full moon, we can't stay here!''

She whispered - yelled.

''Okay..Okay, don't panic, we can sneak out, I'll tell Tom to distract Jeffries so we can sneak out, okay?''

''Okay.Thanks.'' I smiled.

''No problem, Rhyd. C'mon.''

Sometimes, I get in my own way,
And I need somebody who will say,
What are you thinking?
You're words they're always just in time,
Just like perfect rhyme,
Like, you're not even trying.

''Tom!'' Maddy yelled down the hall.

''Hey, Mads. Why you're still here...''

''Look, I need you to distract Jeffries, So me and Rhydian can sneak out.''

''O-okay...'' He said and went to Jeffries office.

''Okay, Let's go.''

Maddy said and we ren outside.

''C'mon! Let's go to woods!''

I yelled.

''What?! Rhydian, we can't...''

I went to her.

''Mads, I know that you want to spend full moon with your parents, but..''

''What? I don't wanna be locked as much as you don't! ''

''Then why you're doing this?''

''I don't know, I guess I don't wanna anything happen to us...''

She looked down.

''Mads.. Nothing will happen to us, I'm here, c'mon.''

I said and took her hand.

She smiled.

''Full moon in the woods?''

I said.

''oh, yeah!'' She yelled and grabbed my arm and we ren to woods.

''Rhydian! Get back here!''

We heard jeffries yell, but we just loughed and ren to woods.

Like pieces of a puzzle,
without each other,
we're in trouble, trouble.
Hey, I will always stay,
By your side,
Cuz we're better together.
There's no other way
we will make it
trough whatever,
cuz we're better together...

We ran down the hill,

Me holding Maddy's hand behind,

and she trying to catch with me.

We finnaly get to the river, and climbed on rock.

Full moon is about to show up and our inky vains are slowly climbing up to our hands and neck.

I turned to Maddy.

I can't believe how much she means to me.

First time I met her I thought how pretty she is.

Then we became bes friends,

and now I...

''What are you thinking about?''

She asked.

Like the wawes needs a sand to crash on,
like the sun needs world to shine on,
You're the bright side of the every day,
Me without you just isn't the same.

''Nothing, just... Thanks....

for standing by me side.''

She smiled.

''C'mon, Rhyd , don't be redicioulus.

I'm your best friend and I'm always by your side.''

She said and melted me inside.

I think we leaned even closer ,

But our bodies tensed up and we transformed.

We nuzzled, I licked her ear and she nuzzled her head in mine.

We looked up at moon and howled together.

This is definitivly the best full moon ever.

I will always stay
by your side forever,
Cuz we're better together...
There's no other way
We will make it
Trough whatever...
Cuz we're better together...

Hope u like it , guys !!!

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