🔸 ROCK ME ~ dedicated to curlystrawberry 🔸

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Author's note~
hey guys! i'm really inspired today and i think i'll update couple of chapters today! enjoy!
dedicated to @curlystrawberry cuz i love and adore her!!!
love you, Birsen!

this is my rewrite of ep. ''maddy cool '' and it takes place when rhydian and maddy start to yell at each other.

it calls rock me cuz rhydian always blew maddy away with his attitude, with his character, and we can all agree, with his look, but even if he always get her into troubles she always wants him even more.

Rhydian's pov

''You're not only hurting your friends, Becy cries bcoz of you!''

i yelled at maddy as my inner wolf start to over take.

'' i only had a little fun! i finaly begun to realise what being a wolfblood means, but you're scared!''

she yelled back, as our eyes turned yellow, inky vains growed and we begun to circle each other growling, moving closer and closer until we could feel each other's breath on our

we growled even louder this time,
and i guess we both lost it.

she grabbed my shirt and i grabbed hers, growling, we knocked each others down on the flloor of the dark room,
we, growling, tumbled around with each other , and she was now on the top of me, growling loudly, flashing her yellow at me,
i did the same back and pushed her down on floor so now i was on the
top of her,
we kept growling at each other, not realising how close our faces were,
we kept growling and leaning in
and I couldn't stand how close our lips were,
i smashed mine onto her lips,
she was shocked but she stop growling
and kissed back,
her hands went from my back,
and then trough my hair, wnich drove me apsolutly nutz,
i kept kissing her with all passion i had, wnich she gladly returned.
my hands went on her waist,
making their way to her thights.

we were too busy with our making-out session that we didn't hear that
someone entered in the darkroom.

''what ...'' we heard someone gasp and we quickly jumped up braking apart, where we saw ...

''T-tom? w-wWhat are umm.. you doing here?'' maddy asked with her voice shaking, while
all i could do was bit my lip, wnich was dark red cuz of Maddy's make up.

''sorry for interrupting you... gotta go!'' he said and ren away.

we couldn't help but lough histericly.

''haha , umm.. good thing that tom found us, cuz who knows what could happen..''
i said loughing.

she chuckled - ''umm.. yeah, i think we better go to wash our faces.''

she said ponting to my lips.

''yeah, let's go!''

i said.

''rhydian, wait!''

''what?'' i turned to her.

''umm.. I love you''.

I smiled wildly and kissed her.

'' i love you too.''

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