I Wouldn't Have Mattered (Chapter 11)

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Katie's POV

I woke up this morning feeling happier than I had in a very long time and I'm pretty sure it had something to do with Daryl.

I knew he wasn't the warmest of people, but he was open and nice to me and that's all that mattered.

I slowly got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom. I figured I would take another shower, while the hot water still works. I stepped in and automatically relaxed. I forgot all of my worries and just let the water hit my skin.

After a few minutes, the water suddenly became much colder. The hot water had run out.

I quickly got out of the shower before it got too cold, only to realize that the lights in the bathroom had turned out as well. I didn't think much of it, I assumed someone must have just come in and turned them off, not wanting to waste unnecessary electricity. It was early in the morning and my mind wasn't sharp. That was the best explanation I had.

I dressed and walked out to the kitchen to find T-Dogg making eggs and Daryl sitting at the table.

"How did Jenner manage to get eggs?" I asked, making Daryl jump and T-Dogg spin around quickly.

"He didn't," T-Dogg started, "they're powdered. But the way I make them, they taste just as good as real eggs."

I smiled at him and responded, "I'll be the judge of that." He scooped some on my plate and prepared more.

"Sleep good?" I asked Daryl.

"Mhm." He said nodding, avoiding eye contact with me.

T-Dogg then scooped some eggs on Daryl's plate.

We both ate our meals in silence, not wanting T-Dogg's listening ears to pick up on any conversation about last night.

I liked the kiss, but did Daryl? He pecked me after and held my hand, so maybe he had feelings for me? I shook the thought from my head, remembering that Daryl is still the ice cold hunter that we have all come to know, but I still had this itching feeling that there was something more.

I finished my eggs and T-Dogg have me a questioning look.

"Yes, T. These do taste the same as normal eggs." I said, smiling at him.

He pointed his spatula at me, "I told you." He said, smirking, and then he wet back to cooking his eggs.

Daryl and I sat across from each other, in a similar position to last night. I made eye contact with him and he looked back at me. We sat there for a long time, having a conversation that could be said without words. It became clearer when he smirked at me, his blue eyes never breaking contact with mine. He has some feelings for me. I do for him. That was hard to admit, but I can say, now that it's true.

Apparently, T-Dogg had the same idea, because after a few minutes, he said, "Am I missing something, here?"

I turned around to look at him, smiled and looked at the ground. I then turned back to Daryl.

"Daamn, Dixon." T-Dogg started, "You got them moves."

Daryl smirked and shook his head, embarrassed.

T-Dogg looked from Daryl to me, then back to Daryl. His eyes went wide with realization. "Did you guys-" he started to say, but then Lori, Carl, Carol and Sophia appeared in the doorway.

"Hey guys!" I yelled at them, over enthusiastically, purposely interrupting T-Dogg before it got too awkward.

"Morning." Lori said tiredly.

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