Come Find Me (Chapter 29)

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Hey guys!

First off, I'd like to apologize for the long wait... I was at camp all week and I didn't have internet or my iPod to write. And then I actually had to write the chapter which took a day and then yeah... So... Sorry!


Okay, now without further ado, here's 29 :)


Katie's POV


"I'm sure we'd all feel better if we knew the plan." Lori said, getting up from her seat beside the fire. "With Randall, I mean."

I looked up at her from the lawn chair I was sitting on. Lori walked over to the fire and took a kettle off, helping Carl pour a cup of hot water.

Rick and Shane were both standing side-by-side at the head of the group, with Glenn and T-Dogg standing to their left and Andrea and Dale just walked in. Daryl was in the shed, having another one of his chats with Randall.

"Is there a plan?" Andrea asked.

"Are we gonna keep him 'ere?" I asked.

Rick and Shane shared a glance towards each other. I assumed they both had different ideas as to what to so with Randall.

"We'll know soon enough." Rick said, glancing at Shane once more.

The whole Randall situation was just too complicated. We can't let him go, because he might find his group and bring them back to the farm. But at the same time, he might not even attempt to do that.

No one has asked me once what I thought about the situation, but I wasn't mad. I wasn't Rick or Shane. When it came to the importance of my opinion, it fell somewhere between Daryl's and Carl's.

Personally, I am completely against killing him. If we kill him, we're basically murdering a child. And, as my dad told me once, committing a sin to a child is the worst kind of crime.

Rick raised his head and pointed in front of him. I turned my neck to see Daryl walking up to the group, holding his crossbow, with blood on his knuckles.

"Your boy in there's got a gang," Daryl explained, making his way over to the fire. "30 men. They got heavy artillery and ain't lookin' to make friends." He paused slightly. "If they roll through here... Our boys will end up dead... And our women, they're gonna wish they were."

I saw him try to sneak a glance at me, so I just lowered my head, avoiding his gaze. I knew he was thinking about me when he said that.

"What did you do?" Lori asked.

I already knew what he did. He probably threatened and beat the crap out of that kid for answers. But Daryl wasn't a bad person. He was just doing it to keep our group safe.

"We had a little chat." He answered.

Lori just shook her head slightly and looked back over at Rick.

"No one goes near this guy." Rick warned.

"Rick, what're you gonna do?" Lori asked.

"We have no choice." He said quietly, "He's a threat." He raised his voice now so that everyone can hear him. "We need to eliminate the threat."

My eyes went a little wide in surprise. I stood up from my chair and looked directly at Rick and Lori. "So you're just going to kill him then? That's your big solution?"

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