Woman With A Past (Chapter 3)

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Katie's POV 

I had no idea how much longer I would last. I've been running for hours, now.  I'm sure it didn't even look like I was running... Just kind of stumbling around.

I looked behind me.  He wasn't there.  I knew he wasn't. But how far behind is he? If I stop running now, he could be just behind me, and my life would be over.

I pushed my body farther, harder. This was not the way to die, nowadays. Murder. No, I wasn't about to let myself become a victim. No, I'd rather run for days than be found by a monster.

By him.

I looked up ahead and made out the side of a building, about half a mile away, and I could see a big crowd of people standing in front of two other people.


The first people I've seen in two days.

I smiled through my pain and pushed my body as hard as I could, towards the building.


Maya's POV

A group of them was an understatement. There were over twenty of them, staggering along the pavement, trying to get to us. We stood there motionless, in awe at what was happening. I was frozen. Unable to move my body, when a girl in her early thirties, ran into me, huffing and puffing. She fell to the ground, but stood right back up.

"Are you stupid?!" She yelled at us, "Run!!" We followed her out of the service station parking lot. I assumed she was the same age as us, maybe a year older, but she was outrunning us with ease. "Where is your car?" I heard her yell.

It took me a moment to respond, "Over there!" I yelled at her, pointing at Drew's black Jeep pulled over at the side of the road, just more than a hundred feet away. Her gaze tried to follow my finger and she didn't notice that she had stepped in a pothole. I cringed as I saw her ankle. The infected were less that a hundred feet behind us, now. They would surely catch up to us. I looked at the woman and hesitated.

"Just go!" I heard her yell. I pulled Andrea beside me and we ran to the Jeep. Drew was on top of the car and slid down, opening the door for Andrea and I as we dove into the back seat. Luckily Amy was in the front, or we would've crushed her.

The infected were closing in on her now, just more than twenty feet away. We were too far, there was nothing that we could do. We were about to give up hope, turn around and drive off, when we heard the revving of a motorcycle engine. The man rode up on his Harley, speeding by us and stopping a few feet behind the woman. As one of the infected was about to pounce on her, the man shot an arrow right between the infected's eyes. He then hoisted the woman up on his motorcycle because of her ankle and the group of infected that were closing in. He rode towards us.

"Follow me!" He yelled, as he passed by the Jeep. Drew floored the accelerator and we followed the man on the motorcycle down the highway as the sun set.

* * *

Katie's POV

I was riding on the back of the motorcycle that belonged to the man who saved me. I kept telling myself that he didn't need to have saved me, I could of handled myself, but who was I kidding? That walker was about to jump on me and end my long journey right then and there. If it haden't been for this man, I would have died. It then dawned on me that I didn't thank this man for saving my life.

"Thank you!" I almost yelled at him, trying to be heard over the loud motorcycle and the wind rushing past us.

He shrugged. "No biggie." His strong southern drawl coming through when he spoke.

"What's your name?" I yelled at him again.

"Daryl Dixon." He replied, "and there's no need to shout, woman. I'm right here. God, you're going to make me deaf with all your yelling." He said while letting out a little chuckle.

I let out one of my own. "Sorry." I said while smiling.

"What's your name?" He asked me. "The name's Katie." I replied. "Katie Greene."

He took this in for a moment, before responding with a tinge of humor in his voice, "Nice to meet you, Katie Greene. I wish we could have met on better terms, but we're in the middle of an apocalypse, you know?" He responded as we pulled up to a campsite.

* * *

Drew's POV

They were living it up, here. There were more than five tents, scattered throughout the campsite. They also had an RV, several other cars, a low campfire going and a duffel bag full of guns. I took in what I saw around me. The man on the motorcycle helped the woman from the service station off of the motorcycle and placed her in a lawn chair by the fire. There was a man wearing a Sheriff's hat. He had blue eyes and dark brown hair, similar to mine and he was sitting next to who I assume is his wife. She had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and held who I assume is their son in her arms.

Next, there was a Hispanic family, a man, his wife and their two children, who all bore a similar ressemblance.

Next to them were an older woman in her early fourties, with her husband and daughter. The husband wasn't there for long, though, because he got up to take a smoke.

Sitting beside them, were a young, small asian boy, a bigger african-american man, an african- american woman and a slim-looking white man.

I then noticed a man sitting by himself, slightly isolated, wearing a deputy shirt and cargo pants.

I turned around and saw an elderly man sitting on the roof of the RV, rifle in hand, keeping watch.

My hand silently found Maya's as we stepped towards the camp. "Time to go introduce ourselves" I said to her with a smile. She gripped my hand tighter and smiled back at me as we walked towards the group.


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