Desperate (Chapter 12)

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Author's note: This chapter is dedicated to rachel_climber because she inspired me, and gave me the idea for this chapter.

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Andrea's POV

Dale and I listened as the explosion started to die down. Once we thought it had, we sprinted to the RV. We had to get out of here quickly, the explosion would definitely attract walkers, the light and the noise. This made me run faster. Dale hopped in the RV first and Shane got up from his seat in the RV to help me jump up the steps.

"Fort Benning!" I heard Rick yell, then I sat down across from Shane on the bench, separated by a table.

Shane placed his gun down on my placemat, on the table and started to disassemble it. Once it was apart, he took some kind of stick and started to clean it. Once he reassembled it, I said,

"Looks complicated."

"The trick," he started, "is gettin' all these pieces back together the same way." He smiled and exhaled loudly through his nose. "I can clean yours, show you how."

I gave him a little nod and he bent down to pick up the gun from the bag of weapons.

"Oh, yeah," he said, cocking it and pointing it at the window, "that's a sweet piece."

"It was a gift, from my father." I started to tell him, "he gave it to me just before Amy and I took off on our road trip. He said two girls traveling alone should be able to protect themselves."

"Smart man, your father." He said, "See, it's unlimited capacity-"

"Aw, jeez." Dale said, stopping the RV.

Shane and I turned around to see over a dozen overturned cars and trucks, blocking our way. We saw Daryl and Katie drive past us on the motorcycle, through the road block. A few seconds later, they came back.

"See a way through?" Dale asked them.

Daryl looked back, nodded and jerked his head in that direction. As if to tell us to follow him. We did, and as we passed, we saw dead bodies litter the roads. I had to look away.

"Can we get through here?" Glenn asked and just as he did, the RV made a terrible screaming sound and smoke started to come from the engine.

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Katie's POV

Daryl and I got off his bike and started to look through an open trunk. I heard Shane speak behind me,

"Problem, Dale?" He asked.

"It's a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of-" he stopped himself mid-sentence. He caught himself yelling and scratched his upper arm nervously.

"Okay, that was dumb." I heard him say.

"Can't find a radiator hose here." Shane said.

"There's a whole bunch of stuff we can find here." Daryl retorted.

"Siphon more fuel from these cars, for a start." T-Dogg said, walking off to get his siphon equipment.

"Get some water, too." Carol pointed out.

Everyone nodded and started to search the vehicles. Daryl and I turned back to the trunk we were searching.

"This is a graveyard." Lori said after a minute, "I'm not sure how I feel about this."

Everyone looked around at each other, no one knowing what to say.

"Alright, alright." T-Dogg said, "Let's go." He walked off with his siphon tube.

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