A Fighting Chance (Chapter 26)

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2 updates in 2 days?! Yeah, they'll be getting more frequent. Like, every 4 or 5 days. Plus, I owe you guys, since my last update came a few days late.

I'm looking to end this book by late July and start the sequel mid-August.

And, after season 2, during the 6 months where The Walking Dead tv show didn't show what they were doing, I might add some comic book stuff, or some ideas of my own. Idk.

Anyway, here's 26. Hope you guys enjoy! :)


Katie's POV

I laid there, in my bed, staring at the ceiling. Fully taking in what I had just done. It wasn't a mistake. Although I may regret it later. I wanted this.

I wanted to experience the feeling of holding my child in my arms, thinking, 'I made you. You're mine.'

I wanted to experience the joy of hearing it speak it's first words. Of seeing it walk for the first time.

'Of watching it kill it's first walker...' The voice in the back of my head pointed out.

It's true. My child will be growing up in a world where it will be forced to kill and survive. Where it's life will be hanging by a thread from the moment it's born. The chances of survival are slim in this world. Especially for a baby. When every cry will put it, and everyone I love in danger. It's not entirely right.

But, at the same time, not giving it a chance isn't right, either. It would survive, I know it. Between me and Daryl and the rest of the group, we could protect it. We would have to.

Even if I did have my doubts, it was beyond too late now. I already agreed with Daryl to have a child, and, hopefully, it was already conceived.

I glanced over to my left as Daryl got out of the bed beside me, and walked over to the pile of clothes on the floor that belonged to him.

I looked towards the window as he dressed himself. I noticed a red blurred image in the distance, and it was coming closer.

"Daryl," I started.

"Yeah?" He asked softly, coming over to my side.

I pointed my right index finger towards the window, my face lighting up slowly, in the hopes that my father, Rick and Glenn were back.

Daryl nodded and walked over to the window. He squinted his eyes, and then stepped back with a slight smile on his face.

"They're back." He said as he turned towards me. He glanced over at my dressers.

"You want to go see them?" He asked. I nodded. "Okay." He confirmed. "Umm, I'll get you some clothes." He said awkwardly, as if he felt uncomfortable with the idea of going through my clothes.

I looked back at the window and saw the vehicle rapidly approaching. It would be here in a few minutes.

After a few moments, Daryl walked over to me with some undergarments, a pair of jean shorts, a loose-fitting black graphic tee and a pair of running shoes.

I looked at his choices and smirked. "Wow, Dixon, you have nice taste." I remarked teasingly.

"Yeah, well that's why I'm a hunter, not a friggin' fashion stylist." He retorted jokingly, making me smile slightly.

He handed me the clothes and stood there, waiting for me to put them on.

"Well, go on. Turn around." I ordered, waving him off.

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