Splitting Us Off (Chapter 13)

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Katie's POV

"Everybody takes a weapon." Rick told the group as he rolled out an arsenal of hatchets, axes and knives.

"These aren't the kind of weapons we need." Andrea said, placing her hand on her hip, "What about the guns?"

"We've been over that," Shane started, "Daryl, Rick and I are carrying."

"Um, hold on," I said, pointing my index finger at Shane, "I was a police officer, too, guys. I know how to handle a gun. I received training."

"I just don't want people poppin' off rounds every time the tree rustles." Shane explained. That wasn't good enough. I wanted to carry.

"It's not the trees we're worried about..." Andrea retorted.

"Say somebody fires at the wrong moment, a herd happens to be passing by. See, that's game over for all of us." Shane continued.

I just didn't understand why he wouldn't let me carry.

"So you need to get over it." He said to Andrea and I.

She sighed and looked away, but I wasn't going down without a fight.

"No. I want a gun." I told him. "It's my gun and I received the same police training as you or Rick. That gives me the same right as you guys to carry."

"Okay, if you're so good, then, you see that bird's nest in that tree?" He said, pointing to a tree fifty yards away, "Shoot it. Shoot the bird's nest."

I shook my head and said in a sweet, innocent tone, "Oh, Shane, but see, what if there happens to be a herd passing by? Then it's game over for all of us."

Daryl smirked and looked at the ground. I, being pleased with my retort, put my hand over my gun on my belt, protectively.

"Shane, just let her carry." Daryl said. "I think she's just proved that she won't be poppin' off no rounds."

Rick nodded and Shane just looked at the ground.

"Now, the idea is to take the creek down five miles, turn around, come back down the other side." Daryl explained. "Chances are, she'll be by the creek. It's her only land mark."

"Stay quiet. Stay sharp. Keep space between you, but always stay within sight of each other." Rick told the group.

"Everybody, assemble your packs." Shane ordered, walking by.

Daryl and I headed to the roof of the RV to get our packs. When we came back down, an argument was boiling between Dale and Andrea.

"Jenner gave us an option and I chose to stay!" Andrea said.

"You chose suicide!" Dale replied.

"So, what's it to you? You barely know me!" Andrea retorted.

"I know Amy's death devastated you-" Dale started.

"Keep her out of this." Andrea interrupted. "This is not about Amy, this is about us. And if I decided that I had nothing left to live for, who the hell are you to to tell me otherwise?! To force my hand like that?"

"I saved your life..." Dale defended himself.

"No, Dale. I saved yours. You forced that on me." Andrea prosecuted. "I didn't want your blood on my hands and that is the only reason I left that building. What did you think? That I had some kind of epiphany? Some life-forming catharsis?"

"Maybe just a little gratitude." Dale said, less enthusiastically.

"Gratitude?" Andrea spat, "I wanted to die my way. Not torn apart by drooling freaks, that was my choice. And you took that away from me, Dale."

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