We Need To Leave (Chapter 17)

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Katie's POV

I slowly slipped out of bed in the morning and once I was out, I quickly stepped out of my shorts and into a pair of dark blue jeans. I then kept my tank top on and pulled a red and brown plaid long-sleeve button-up over my head. I pulled my medium-length brown hair into a tight ponytail. I then turned to grab my gun off of the side table, when it wasn't there.

I calmly checked the chair to see if it was there. It wasn't.

My back was to the bed as I checked my holster. Not there either. I turned around in a panic to face the bed.

I jumped five feet in the air when I saw Daryl sitting up in bed, dangling my gun from his index finger and his thumb.

"Looking for something?" He asked me.

I sighed and held my hands out for him to toss it to me.

He smoothly threw the gun and it landed perfectly in my hands. I placed the gun in my holster.

I looked around my duffel bag and found a pair of comfortable running shoes. I bent down and laced them up. I stood up, expecting him to still be in the bed, but he was getting a pair of jeans on, doing up the belt buckle.

I found his shirt beside me. I picked it up and tossed it to him. He caught it easily and slid it on, buttoning it up. We both stepped out of the room to find a startled Lori walking up the stairs. A smile plastered itself on her face.

"Uhh.. Rick's... Um... The group is down by the Cherokee, planning out the search grid if y'all wanna..." She trailed off, embarrassed. I nodded and made my way down the stairs.

Daryl and I had just made our way out of the house, when we heard Rick speak.

"All right, everyone's getting new search grids, today." He said, laying out Maggie's map.

He stayed silent for a few seconds, thinking, when Jimmy walked up to us.

"I can help. I know the area pretty well and stuff." He said.

"Herschel's okay with this?" Rick asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, he said I should ask you." Jimmy replied.

"All right then." Rick responded. "Thanks."

Jimmy nodded and joined the circle we had formed around the car.

"Okay, Daryl I'm going to need you to go with him, though." Rick said, turning to Daryl. "You're the most experienced tracker and he knows the area. Between the two of ya, you'll find her in no time." Rick explained.

Daryl shrugged his shoulders. "Sounds fine to me." He said, nodding to Jimmy. Jimmy nodded back.

"I'm gonna borrow a horse." I said, bringing everyone's attention to me. "Head up to this ridge right here, take a bird's eye view of the whole grid. If she's up there, I'll spot her." I said, pointing to the ridge I was talking about on the map.

"Good idea." T-Dogg said to me.

Jimmy reached for the rifle on the hood of the car.

"Hey, hey." Rick warned, "Ever fire one before?" He asked Jimmy.

"Well if I'm going out, I want one." Jimmy said.

"Yeah, and people in hell want Slurpees." Daryl retorted.

I had to stifle my laugh.

We all dispersed and I walked over to Daryl and Jimmy.

"Daryl!" I called.

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