Chapter 1

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''Wake up, wake up'' Anne hears someone shouting, shaking her harshly

''Cleaning time'' The lady says, pulling her out of the bed and throwing clothing materials, making her dress quickly in some random less detailed and layered dress than she would have usually worn.

"King Henry and his Queen are coming so we must tidy"

''Excuse me?, I'm not a servant'' Anne replies, receiving a chuckle in reply.

''Keep dreaming Alice'' The lady gestures for her to hurry up before walking out of the room.

"I don't understand'' Anne mutters under her breath, scanning the room around her.

The bright sun shone through the window as she finished dressing herself. Anne quickly hurried as she heard the voice of the lady shouting for her to come out because the King has arrived earlier than expected.

Anne looked around at the familiar hallways and detailing of the building, instantly knowing what castle she was in. ''We are at Hampton?".

The other woman nods, raising her eyebrows at the question but is soon distracted by the royals coming into the courtyard of the palace.

Queen Jane looks lovely, don't you think'' She says, admiring the woman standing beside the King.

''Jane? Jane Seymour with the King?" Anne frowns, not understanding what was happening to her or how she had suddenly felt out of place.

She quickly rushed off, passing a mirror that reflects her image yet it seems different. It displays her as herself but with a few different features.

Reaching the outside, the guards hold out their arms, stopping her from going any further.

"Servants are not allowed here''

"But I am the King's true wife?'' Anne replies desperately, trying to push through. Her eyes frantically look over to the King.

"Henry! Henry, it's me".

The guards make eye contact with each other, both grabbing her arms and drag her away from the area. They give her to the lady from before who informs them that she is one of her friends but Anne is too distracted and confused

What is happening and how has she been forgotten?


At the feast, the servants have to serve and tend to the different noblemen and nobleman, along with the King and Queen.

Anne walks alongside other servants, carrying plates of meat, bread and other foods. She is stationed to wait on Thomas Wyatt who is sitting at the far end of the table.

''Thomas'' Anne greets, hoping he would look at her and understand but he looks behind at her with a strange look.

''We are not allowed to talk to them Alice'' The server next to her shakes her head.

I'm not Alice, I am Anne''.

Thomas once again looks at her and breathes deeply. ''Alice or Anne, could I talk with you later?''.

The feast continues and how Anne watches with envy as the ladies dance without a care in the world, enjoying the men's attention. She used to dance like that and she misses it dearly.

Her eyes focus on Queen Jane dancing, making sure the King was watching and he was but the look in his eyes was filled with hope not exactly love.

After a few seconds, King Henry stands up, hurrying past the tables and to his chambers. The Queen smiles, unsure of why he left but she puts on a smile, pretending there was nothing wrong and suggest that the court should retire to bed.

Anne slips away from the other servers and makes her way to Thomas.

"Thomas?'' She whispers at his door that was left ajar.

Wyatt opens the door, handing her a dress that is more her style and closer to what she used to wear. "Put this on''.

She obliges, walking over to the corner of the room where there is a barrier to get dressed behind. The dress fits perfectly, as it should.

Thomas Wyatt grins as she steps out from behind the barrier, admiring how it fits and how beautiful is.

''I knew it, Anne you have come back'' He exclaims, taming her hand and placing a kiss upon it.

''Thomas, why does no one remember me, not even the King, and why did I come back when I clearly remember climbing the scaffold and waiting for the sword to come down".

"I do not know but Cromwell said he had a dream that you came back. He suggested that it was just a nightmare".

Anne scoffs "Of course".

Thomas places another kiss on her and before walking down the hallway to collect Cromwell, who walks in casually before freezing as he spots the woman.

''Anne'' Cromwell says before frowning "Did you hire a lookalike to act the part of your death and somehow escape. It wouldn't surprise me"

"I need the King'' Anne demands, not wanting to hear anything else he would say.

"The King thinks you're dead and it is forbidden to speak of you so move away and go live a quiet life in the country"

"Where is my daughter?".

"Away from court life and the King''.

''Why am I a servant?''

"I have an idea, Cromwell you can leave now'' Wyatt says, earning a glare from the man who doesn't appreciate being ordered to do something but he exits the room.

"I will pretend you are my cousin and we will tidy you up and I will talk to the King to make you a lady to the queen but be careful of what you say''.

Anne nods, thanking him before leaving the room to think about this and collect the few things that might be helpful to her.

She stood by a window that overlooks the garden, spotting her father about to leave the castle. Anne feels a tear roll down her cheek when he happens to look up, eyes widening in shock at her.

He points up to warn the guards but Anne disappears quickly, running down the stairs to retrieve her possessions and then back up to Wyatt's room.

"I saw my father''

"Did he recognize you?''

"Yes, the only people that do are you, my father and Cromwell''.

Then there is a loud bang on the door

''Wyatt, The king wishes to see you''.

He quickly gestures for Anne to places the French hood on her head so she can appear as one of the ladies.

"Yes?'' Wyatt says, opening the door but the guard looks directly to the woman.

"Lady Anne Grelane. Wyatt told the King about you and he wants you to be a lady in waiting''

Thomas nods as the guard escorts her to the Queen's chambers.

"Your Majesty, Lady Anne Grelane, Cousin of Thomas Wyatt''

The Queen smiles at Anne, disregarding her likeness to the previous queen.

Anne curtseys, pushing down her true feelings  "Your majesty''

''Welcome, Lady Grelane''. Jane then looks to her right "Lady Rochford, would you show her around and help her''

Lady Rochford looks at Anne, nodding ''Yes, your Majesty''

The night goes on and they all have to leave the chamber because the King is visiting.

As the ladies forward out, the King is walking by and he makes eye contact with Anne, smiling as he does.

Tears fall down her face as she makes it further away from the chambers, racing down some stairs and into another chamber. She holds onto the wall, falling to the ground and lets the tears fall freely from her eyes.


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