Heal the Broken

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[Lexi's POV]

FLASH. Lightning. BOOM. Thunder.

I woke up with a scream, shot up, ran out of my bed into the corner and sat down under my desk. I had my knees up to my chin and cried uncontrallable. Apparently my scream woke my mom as she ran into my room right to my desk and kneeled in front of me. This wasn't the first time she found me like this.

'It'll be ok sweety, it'll all be ok.'

She said while rubbing my knees and I just kept on crying loudly. She sat down next to me and pulled me into her arms which usually calmed me down a bit.

'I know it's hard sweety, I know, but it'll all be alright again someday.'

she said again and I just shook my head. I had no faith in this ever changing, that one unfaitfull night changed my life forever, it made an irreversable impact on me. Life would never be the same, life would never be normal again.

'Sara? Sara?!'

I heard my dad yell from down the stairs. I quickly got out of my moms grip and sat down on my bed before she could process what I was doing. I was wiping my tears as my dad walked in looking kind of angry.

'I already thought you were here.'

he said as he walked up to my mom and helped her up from under my desk.

'I'm done with you young lady'

he then said looking at me. He tried to be my dad in this matter but I could see it was hard for him, he was treating me like one of his soldiers and I honestly couldn't blame him.

'It is time we stop this insanity'

he continued and my mom just stood there with tears in her eyes.

'This has been going on for 2 months now and your treatment obviously isn't helping.'

I shook my shoulders, I honestly didn't care anymore. My life wasn't worth anything anymore without him, he was it, he was the love of my life and he was gone, my chance was gone.

'I'm sending you away for 6 months to Ireland' and mom's mouth just dropped.

'No word Sara, it's all we can do at this point' and she started crying. 'You need to get out of the army, out of duty and into normal live. You're going to live with a family for 6 months and work in a normal ER, maybe that'll get you on the right track again. Once you're better we will see if you can go back to duty again.'

I just nodded, I knew I couldn't do anything about it, my dad's will was law around here, he was the Admiral and I was just a medical soldier, he was superior to me.

'I'll arrange it tomorrow and you'll leave in 3 days'

he said and him and mom left the room.

In 3 days I was going to Ireland in the hope to get rid of my PTSD from that night, though I had little faith my life would ever be normal again.

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