Chapter 17

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[Harry's POV]

'Seriously man, you have to start being serious about other girls. What about Amy?' I whispered in Niall's ear in between Meet and Greets with fans in Melbourne. He just shrugged. Lately I'd been trying to get him to start dating as he had loads of opportunities but everytime it came back to him still being hung up on this girl named Lexi he knew almost 2 years ago and hadn't seen or talked to her in that time. 

'Don't know..' he answerred. 

'She seems like a cool girl..' I said to him and he nodded.

'Guess so.' he said as Louis motioned the last 2 girls were coming in and we needed to stop whispering on the side. We both nodded walking back to the other boys and looked towards the door. As the last pair of girls walked in and Niall's eyes grew wide. 

'Lexi...' he whispered. 

'What's that mate?' I asked him and he just whispered it again.


I took a good look at the girls entering and still didn't get why he was saying her name once again. 

'It's Lexi... She's here... She...' he stuttered whispering in my ear and looking at one of the girls, taking her appearence in. 

'What? Dude, what are you talking about?!' I hissed back and he didn't answer and just stared at her, the girl with the dark hair and blue dipdye. Was this really Lexi or was he just hallucinating thinking it was her because we'd talked about her a lot lately and this girl just looked like her? 

[Niall's POV]

It was her, it was Lexi. I was stunned. She was here... Lexi was here... What was she doing here...? Why...? Wow... She looks good... All these thoughts shot through my mind as Harry hissed something into my ear. Could that dude just stop whining for once? Don't get me wrong, he's a good friend but the pushing about forgetting Lexi.. It annoyed me. She said to give her time, I was giving her time. She said to move on as well but I somehow just couldn't. Ever since her letter I'd written songs about her, one even being on our album, I wore her ring on a necklace around my neck for a while and now it was in my guitar case, I always had it with me. 

'Like the hair.' Louis said to her about the blue dipdye she had and it snapped me out of my train of thought. 

'Thanks.'  she said secretly looking at me but her eyes shot back fast towards Louis as she saw I was looking at her as well. 

'Sally?' she then motioned to the girl who was with her, which I might add was obviously a huge fan as we was fully dressed like Louis and just standing there a bit back, her mouth slightly open, ready to squeel. She snapped out of it, looked down and walked towards Lexi and introduced herself. They both went around giving everyone a hand introducing themselves and hugging everyone. As Lexi was at me she awkwardly gave me a short hug, way shorted then the other guys and Harry shot me a look.

'You allright?' he motioned and I just shrugged. I felt awkward and obviously so did Lexi. She introduced herself to me just like she did with the other guys, she hugged which felt good but it was awkward, it was like she didn't want to let on she knew me, why did she do it like that? I mean, why come of you obviously don't really want to?! 

'Ok guys, time for that picture so we can move on with the schedule.' Paul said and we all nodded. 

'So, what do you want your picture to be like?' Louis asked and Sally jumped at the question. 

'Well, like, Lexi to be next to Niall as he's her fave and me next to you..' she answerred turning red. We all smiled and took our positions. Me at the end, Lexi next to me then Harry, Zayn, Liam, Sally (I think her name was) and then Louis. As Lexi walked towards me she sighed and didn't look at me. I noticed something different about her and it was not her hair color, it were her wrists. She had a 'J' tattood on her left and a heart locket on the other. No doubt it was her now, not that I had any. She stood next to me as a plank, not touching me but Harry had his arm around her. We took some pictures and then the girls were guided out towards to venue where we'd be doing a Q&A and intimite performance. 

'Dude, what was up with you?!' Zayn asked as we walked backstage to get changed for the performance.

'Lexi.' Harry said looking up at Zayn and winking to me.

'Lexi? You mean, the one you...?' Liam then asked.

'Seriously?!' Zayn added and he looked me right in the eye.

'Yes, that Lexi.' Harry answerred as I just ignored them as I was walking towards my rack of clothes and grabbing my outfit for the show. 

'Niall? You allright mate?' Louis then asked standing right next to me. 

'Sure, no biggy.' I said shrugging, not really wanting to talk about it. She had recognized me but hadn't said anything, I had the feeling she didn't want to be there and didn't want to see me at all which really hurt. What was I going to do about this? What was going to happen? What did this even mean? Was this just a coincedence or not? 

'Come on mate, it obviously is a 'biggy'..' Louis then said and I looked at him. 

'Can we just not talk about this right now please?' I snapped turning around seeing all the boys standing around me, waiting for me to answer their questions to which I didn't even have the answer myself. 

'Why didn't she.. You know?' Zayn said and I just shrugged. 

'Don't know, I haven't seen or talked to her in almost 2 years.' the boys nodded as they knew this. 

'Greg did right?' Liam suddenly pointed out and I nodded. Greg had been in touch with Lexi and seen her a few times after she left but he didn't really talk about her much. Not that I saw him a lot and it came up every time I did or anything but still, he never said much.  

'What about me?' I heard from behind the boys and they stepped aside so I could see my brother who was with me on the Australian leg on the tour. The other boys awkwardly walked away with their clothes leaving me their with Greg.

'Lexi is here.' I said to him changing into my show outfit. As I put it on it hit me, Lexi was in something simular as me, did that mean something? Or was it just her fan friend who did that? 

'No she isn't.' Greg answerred raising his eyebrows.

'Yes she is, I just saw her at the meet and greet.' I shot back at him and he just looked confused.

'But she.. She texted me last night that her friend luckily didn't win tickets.'

'Well, obviously she did last minute this morning, they were the last girls in.. Wait, what, luckily?!' I asked, the pain was getting worse now.

'Yeah...' Greg answerred looking like he felt guilty he told me he had talked to her last night.

'Why didn't you tell me? That you know, she's here? In Melbourne?' I asked him but before he could answer the boys came to get me for the performance. 

'We're not done talking about this.' I motioned to him as I walked out the door and he sighed. What was going on here? 

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