Chapter 18

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[Lexi's POV]

Close the door,

Throw the key, 

Don't wanna be reminded,

Don't wanna be seen,

Don't wanna be without you,

My judgement's clouded,

Like tonight's night sky. 

They were singing one of my favorite songs, and why was it my favorite? Because in my eyes it was about me. When the album released I bought it so I'd also have the booklet coming with it which mentioned who sang which part and who wrote a certain song. This song spoke to me the instant I heard it, it was written by Niall and the part he was singing was exactly how I felt and apparently, so did he. It was hard listening to it, but it was also good for me, I really can't explain it. As they were playing the song I sung it with them, eyes closed, swaying to the rhytm. At the beginning of the song I saw Niall looking at me and my eyes started watering so I just closed them, I couldn't bare seeing his eyes piercing through me. When his solo came and he started singing it you could hear the emotion in his voice which broke me even more. 

You know I'll be your life,

Your voice,

Your reason to be,

My love, my heart,

Is breathing for this,

Moment in time,

I'll find the words to say,

Before you leave me today.

The song ended and I opened my eyes, to find Niall still looking at me, his eyes also slightly wet. I looked down as in the corner of my eye I saw Niall giving his guitar to one of the stage helpers and sitting down on his stool that was set up on the stage. 

'So, it's time for questions!' Louis started as the boys all sat down and drank some water. 

'We will take some questions from the audience. We assume all of you have one?' he continued and the audience screamed agreeingly. 

'That's what I thought. Well, as you know, we don't have time for all...' he said making a pouting face. 

'We'll pick someone, that guy over there,' he said pointing at this guy in front of the stage, 'will come to you with the mic and then you can ask us and we will answer, simple as that.' he nodded. Louis was really good in acting well.. weird?

'We will pick randomly, screaming won't help.' Harry added smirking and winking and the whole crown swooned and laughed at his tone. 

'So' lets start with this sweetheart right there.' Liam said pointing at this girl a few seats down from us. 'What's your name love?' Liam continued and she answerred.


'Hi Melissa!' the guys all said waving at her. These boys were really the cutest and funny.

'What's your question?' Zayn then asked and she started, but ofcourse not asking her question but starting with this random story.

'So, basically, I love you guys and this is amazing and I just.. Well, on the way over here me and my friend were talking and we were wondering, you obviously miss your family and friends, do you guys have a song that reminds you of a certain person? And why does it remind you of them?'

'Good question.' Louis nodded. 'Niall?' he continued pointing at him stating he should answer it and Niall looked at me and then at the girl asking the question.

'Well, honestly, moments is one of my favorites as it reminds me of someone very special to me.' He still looked at the girl but I noticed that in the corner of his eye he also tried to look at me and my response to his answer.

'Dude! That's like a break-up song, how in the hell does that remind you of someone you miss?!' Harry stated trying to be funny and Niall sighed heavily.

'Well, obviously it is a break-up song but the song also states that he or she wants that person back but knows it's hard.' the boys nodded. 'And well, I wrote it to someone I miss, to explain my feelings towards her.' he continued and my heart just started to hurt. 'The girl it is about meant a lot to me and well, the song is about the fact that we haven't talked in a while though I wanted to. And in the song I imagine that I've seen her a while back but I don't have any words to say to her.'

'Ahw, how deep is our little leprechaun?!' Louis said trying to get the crowd to make noise which ofcourse they did.

'I'm getting dizzy, I need some fresh air.' I said to Sally and her face went from happy to worried.

'Do you want me to come with you?' she asked.

'No, I'll be fine, just need some fresh air, you stay and enjoy ok?' Sally nodded and so I walked towards the exit. As I was halfway through the venue I looked back seeing Niall looking at me but then getting his attention drawn to something else by one of the other boys. I walked towards the door, opened it and practically ran outside. I ran towards the side of the building, put my back against the wall and slipped down it, sitting down with my head in my hands and I just let the tears flow. After what felt like 10 minutes but was only like 10 seconds I heard someone walking up to me.


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