Chapter 4

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[Niall's POV]

'Uuuuh... hey... I... Uuuuuh.. Sorry for disturbing you' Lexi said as she walked into my room. I was surprised to see her to be honest after the whole thing earlier today, I had gotten the idea she wasn't interested in becoming friends. 

'It's ok' I answerred shortly while I stood up and put my guitar back in it's standard. 

'You're good' she said as she pointed to my guitar. I could see she was nervous and somehow I hated seeing her like this. I didn't really know her yet but I just disliked it, it's like I could feel this wasn't really her, like she was in a shell, holding things in instead of letting them out. 

'Thanks' I answerred putting my hands in my pockets standing in front of her. 

'So, what are you doing here?' I asked her kinda harshly and I inmedeatly regretted it as I saw my tone made her even more nervous and it seemed like she wasn't sure of herself. I had a girl from the army in my room and I made her insecure. 

'I uuuh...' she nervously started stuttering again. 

'It's ok, calm down.' I said trying to look into her eyes to show I wasn't mad at her but she looked down. She gave a weak smile. 

'I uuuh... I came to apologize for earlier, I just uuuh... I'm sorry.'

'It's ok' I answerred, looking for her eyes again and this time she looked back. She had these amazing hazel eyes but they were unusually wet, like she could start crying any second now. 

'I'm sorry for asking about it' I said pointing at her ring. 'It obviously is a sensitive subject.'

She nodded. 

'Yeah, I uuuuh... This ring kinda is the reason I'm here, the reason for my PTSD' she said looking down again, playing with the ring. 

I reached for her hand but she quickly pulled back. Ok, she obviously wasn't ready to let me in just yet. 

'I understand, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Just know I'm here if you decide you do want to talk about it someday.' And she looked up, nodded and gave me a weak smile again. I could only imagine how beautifull her true smile would be.  

'Thanks' she simply said and she stared at the guitar.

'Do you play?' I asked her pointing at it. 

'No... I wish I could though, I imagine it to be calming, an outlet for feelings.' 

She obviously was searching for an outlet for her feelings, a way to let them out or a way to box them even more. From experience I knew playing the guitar could help you reach those goals as I had done it myself. I was debating whether I should offer to help her or not and before I knew it I had decided. 

'You want to learn?' I asked reaching for the guitar and picking it up. Her eyes lit up.

'I would love too' she said sounding happy and excited for the first time since she'd been here. 

'Just, not right now, I really have to finish unpacking and get settled' she said pointing towards the door stating she should go. 

'Sure, whenever you feel like it. Just come by.' 

'Thanks' she nodded and she walked out to go to her room. As I sat back down on my bed and started strumming the guitar again I heard Greg.

'Hi, I'm Greg, nice to meet you'

'Hi, Lexi.' 

I stood up and put my head just outside my door to look if the same mistake I made would happen to Greg too but Lexi had already spotted me. Greg noticed and looked back. 

'Hey lil' brother.' he said teasingly as he did more when people were around and I just sighed and rolled my eyes. Lexi smiled, a real genuine smile. 

'Anyways, I'm gonna change and go to the gym, talk to you kids later' Greg said giving me a wink and he walked passed Lexi towards his room. Lexi looked at me and then turned around and went into her room and so I did the same. 

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