Chapter 12

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Check my instagram for images fitting this story! It's @1Dfanstory_byY =) There's an image of how I imagine Lexi to look like and an impression of the proposal from chapter 11. xx Yvonne


[Niall's POV]

A couple of weeks went by and in that time Lexi and I had become closer and closer by the day. After the talk we had during family weekend she told me more about things that happened with Josh and I liked the stories, the way they let her eyes sparkle, the way she smiled, the way she looked up at the sky, the way she became sad was even cute. I noticed myself falling for her more and more by the minute we'd spend together. Hours we'd spend in the windowsill of my room, looking outside and talking. Occasionally I grabbed her hand or she'd sit with her back against my chest and she let it all happen and I just enjoyed it. I doubted the fact she'd let me in that way but I just let it go, maybe with some time she'd get used to it and let it happen. But one night our being together was cut short, in a way neither of us liked. 

'Lexi?! Niall?!' I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I signed to Lexi to hold on a second and I got up from the window sill and walked to my door looking down the stairs. 

'What is it?!' I yelled back somewhat annoyed. 

'Could you ask Lexi to come down for a bit?' I looked confused. 

'Just Lexi?' 

'Well yeah, we need her but you can come too if you'd like.' mom said and she turned around back to the kitchen and I hear her saying to some people we'd be right down. 

'What was that about?' Lexi asked as I walked back into the room. 

'They need you to come downstairs...' I said hesitantly. Lexi was just as surprised as I was as she raised her eyebrows questioning. 

'I don't know why, she didn't say. But I did hear her telling someone we'd be right down..' Lexi shrugged and got up from the window sill and walked towards my door.

'Aren't you coming?' she asked. I shrugged.

'You want me to?'

'Sure, why not? She said we could both come right?' I nodded and so I followed her downstairs into the kitchen to find mom talking to someone in an army suit. 

'Dad?!' I heard Lexi say surprised and the guy turned around. 

'Hi sweety.' he said opening his arms pulling her into a hug. I had seen Admiral Smith before on Skype but not in real life, he was bigger then I imagined. 

'Hi Niall.' he then said looking at me holding out his hand to shake mine.

'Hi Admiral.' I said back giving my mom a look and she just shrugged. What was going on here? Why was he here? And why wasn't Lexi's mom with him?  

'You guys want some tea?' my mom asked and everyone nodded and walked over to the kitchen table to sit down. 

'What are you doing here dad? Where is mom?' Lexi asked, still looking shocked by the fact her father was here. 

'Your mom is back home.' he answerred and then looked at me. I felt like he was giving me a look that meant he was going to say something none of us would like to hear. Lexi nodded.

'And?!' she asked since he wasn't asnwerring her other question.

'Lets just wait till everyone's here.' he said while nodding at my mom thanking her for the tea she'd just put on the table.

'Everyone who?' Lexi asked obviously being annoyed.

 'We're just waiting on Chris & Greg who will be here any second.' my mom answerred and Lexi gave me a look. She looked scared. The vibe wasn't good, this wasn't going to be good I thought to myself as Chris & Greg walked in. Chris sat down next to my mom and Greg got them a cup of tea as well and sat down. 

'So, I thought it'd be best if I'd tell why I'm here to everyone at once.' Admiral Smith started and I saw Lexi getting really nervous and all I wanted to do is get up and sit down right next to her, hugging her and holding her hand but I couldn't. My mom nodded agreeingly. She already knew! I just knew it, the way she was looking at me and Lexi, she knew what was going on but she didn't say a thing, she just sat there nodding agreeingly with Admiral Smith and looking somewhat worried and sad. How long had she known? When he arrived just now or even earlier?

'We uuuh.. I hate to say this...' Lexi looked at her father, her eyes getting wet. 'We need you to come home right away.' he continued and Lexi just looked at him, her mouth sligly opened, obviously shocked. Everyone looked shocked accept for my mom and the admiral.

'W-w-w-hat?!' Lexi said and the Admiral grabbed her hand.

I couldn't handle this, Lexi had to leave. The girl I liked and was finally getting close to had to leave, to go back home, go back the army where she didn't even wanted to be. She wanted to be here, here with us. She told me that, she told me that a few days ago when I asked her about missing home. I just shook my head, got up and walked upstairs, feeling everyone looking at me but I didn't care to turn around and say what I was doing, I just walked away, I couldn't be here, I had to get out of that room. I was losing her already and I couldn't handle it. 

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