Chapter 9

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[Lexi's POV]

Time went by really fast after my breakdown and before I knew it I had been here in Ireland for 3 months, I was already halfway through my stay here. Thinking about it made me happy but also sad. I'd been having a real good time, working in the hospital with Greg and helping people in need, being part of a family without one being gone most of the time, learning how to play the guitar, hanging out with Niall and his friends, working on the motorcycle with Chris and so, so much more things that made me very happy. Being here made me realize what I wanted in my life, what I needed to change when I got home and that was good, realizing these things made me become more and more myself by the day.   

It was the first weekend of May which meant that it was time for the Horan family weekend. Every year the whole family would come together at a lake house and do all sorts of activities like playing football, board games and ofcourse there was lots of eating and drinking.  Instead of going home to my family as planned I decided to stay and come with the boys to the Horan family weekend. I didn't want to go home with the risk of falling back into my old pattern after doing so well here, also Niall & Greg really wanted me to come with them. I had met the boys father, Bobby, a few times already since I'd come with the guys on some of the weekends they went to visit him. We all arrived at the cabin at different times and I quickly noticed they'd been here so much already that everyone had the same room every year and so I didn't know where I could go. 

'You can come sleep in my room.' Niall had said and so I did. Niall's dad Bobby didn't care to put attention to it as he knew we did that from time to time. After my first breakdown I had been sleeping in Niall's room quite a few times. I'd talked to him a lot since then and he'd helped me through my grieving, with the help of music. Usually we were up really late talking or playing music that I'd just fall asleep on his bed. Being there with him calmed me and it really helped. So well, that when there's a thunderstorm now I don't break down anymore, I just sit there in silence. The flashbacks and vivid dreams had also become less and I was really thankfull to Niall for that. 

It was saturday morning and after breakfast with the whole family I quickly ran upstairs shouting back down to Niall; 'I'll be there in a second, just let me grab my converse!' As I walked into our room I quickly threw out my shoes and put on and old pair of converse as we were going to play football. I ran back down and quickly went outside. For the rest of the day we all played football together and for diner we had a barbeque with as final a campfire. The Horan family were all very friendly and social. They all talked together and had fun and they also took the time to get to know me, I really felt like part of the family and that made me really happy.

Around 11p.m. all the little kids were in bed and the adults were inside talking while drinking some tea. I was outside laying on the trampoline whilst calling me dad as I promised. For the first time in a long while it was actually fun talking to him, I had something to tell him and mom, who could listen too me to as the phone was on speaker. I could feel the relieve in their voices, relieve that I was finally having a good time again and that I was able to talk to someone about my grieve and work through it. I suddenly felt movement on the trampoline and I looked up and saw Niall laying down beside me, motioning, 'Are you ok?' I nodded. 'Give me a second.' I motioned back as I started to say goodbye to my parents and once assured them I was doing fine. Niall and I layed there for what felt like forever, staring at the bright stars which you could see here very well because there were no city lights. Niall sighed and I looked over at him. Getting to know him this well lately I could recognize a lot in just his facial expression and I could tell he wanted to talk about something but he didn't know how to start. 

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