Chapter 10

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[Lexi's POV]

'How are your parents?' Niall asked and I apparently looked somewhat surprised as he inmedeatly said: 'What?'

'Nothing..' I answerred. But there was something. He never acted like that when he wanted to ask em about my parents, he acted like that when he wanted to ask me something personal, something deep or something he was ashamed for. A few weeks back he asked my advise about a girl that liked him but he didn't like her back and he didn't know how to tell her nicely. As I was drifting of into my thoughts Niall started talking again. 

'So, how are your parents?'

'Good. Dad's busy, mom's hanging out a lot with Josh's mom.'

'Good, good.' he answerred while looking up to the stars. We both laid there, looking up to the stars when the question he'd wanted to ask to start with came. 

'So uuh, Lexi, that ring..'


'You're still wearing it right?'

'Yeah... Why?'

'Can I see it?'

'Uuhm, sure..' I answerred, somewhat weirded out, why did he want to see my ring up close? I turned on my stomac and took of the ring and gave it to Niall who looked at it very carefully. 

'Why the interest in my ring?' I asked before I even thought about it. 

'Just wanted to see it, you can usually tell by the ring what kind of relationship people have.. Or so I've been told.' he sorta joked. 

'Ok.. And what kind did we have then?' I joked back. 

'A good one.' he said shortly, putting the ring back on my finger. I nodded. 

'How did he propose?' Niall asked. 'You weren't engaged that long yet when he.. well, you know.. right?'

'No, we weren't.. We got engaged on Christmas Eve and he died January 2nd so, only like a week or something.' I answerred and I turned back on my back again and started telling Niall about Josh's proposal, every romantic bit of it, lots of details and Niall seemed really interested.  

'That's really romantic and sweet.' Niall said and I nodded. 

'It was. And we were so incredibly happy, and so were our families when we told them the next day.'

'They were?' Niall asked. 

'Yeah, they were really supportive of us, some even said they saw this coming and knew we'd get married in our early twenties before we were even together at all.'

Niall smiled. 'My family would freak out I think.' he then said.

'You might be surprised, I thought mine would too.'


'Yep, especially my dad. He has always been very protective of me. My mom, well, she loved it bevcause it meant she could go all out and organize a whole big wedding. She's a sucker for romance.' I smiled looking up at the stars, imagining what that day would've been like.

'Are you ok? I'm sorry if I upset you by asking this..' Niall said laying on his side looking at me.

'You know, surprisingly I am ok. It's sad it all didn't happen but I'm starting to accept it. It's not as hard as it used to be.' I was honestly surprised by myself and my reaction to telling this to Niall. I didn't have any problems with it. 

'Well, that's good I guess..' Niall said with some doubt in his voice. 

'It is good.' I said also laying down on my side so I could look him in the eyes. 'It means that this, being here and talking to you like this helps. I can remember the good things and cherish them now, instead of getting angry. It really is good Niall.'

'Ok.' he said giving me a smile. I had never really looked at him like this before, his beautifull smile, the crooked teeth, his amazing blue eyes.

'Thanks Niall.' I said and he looked surprised.

'For what?'

'For this, helping me, listening, taking an interest.' I said and I gave him a hug. In this moment, I think the bound between Niall and I changed, and not just for me, but also for him.  

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