Chapter 3

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[Lexi's POV]

By the time I got out of the shower I came to the conclusion I really had to apologize to Niall for being so rude to him, I couldn't have him hate me while I was supposed to stay here for at least 6 months. As I got out of the shower I put a towel around my body and walked towards my room, when I walked passed what I think was Niall's room I heard music inside, the same style I used to listen to before that unfaitfull night, now it was more hard, emotional rocky music.

I walked into my room, closed the door and put on some sweats and an army shirt we'd usually wear in the gym. Once I had finished dressing Maura was calling for both Niall & I that diner was ready. I quickly ran downstairs to the diner table and took the seat Chris pointed out to me. Niall came in pretty much right after me and sat down across from me and didn't even dare to look at me and it hurt, I really had to find a time to apologize to him. 

'Lexi, I hope you like carrots' Maura said and I nodded. 

'I like those ma'am, especially the fresh ones you have and not those potted ones, I'm not really fond of those. ' 

'What did I say about the ma'am? There's no need for that Lexi, it's just Maura.' and I nodded. 

Maura put down all pots and pans on the table and Chris started deviding the food. Everyone got a certain amoutn of food and if you wanted more after you'd finished you could just grab it. I liked the structure of this family already, we'd usually eat whenever we wanted to and had the time. 

'Where's Greg mom?' Niall asked looking at Maura and obviously avoiding me. 

'He's got a late night at school, busy with finals' she answerred and Niall nodded to awknowledge it and took a bite of his diner. 

'What is he studying if I may ask?' I said and Chris quickly answerred. 'He is also going into the medical field, he is studying to become a docter. It's his final year actually.'

'Hmm, that sounds real interesting.' I answerred.

'It is, but it takes a lot of work and efford, you don't get there easily, but he is doing quite well' Maura said obviously proud of her son. 

'I can imagine. I mean, I've studied to be I think it's called an assistent here and we already had a huge load to do and study.' 

'Can I go upstairs mom?' Niall asked interrupting us and she nodded. He had eaten his diner really fast and as soon as she gave him permission to leave the table he quickly ran back upstairs. 

'What's up with him?' Chris asked Maura and she just shrugged. 'I honestly don't know.' Should I say something about what had happened or not? I mean, they thought their son was acting weird and it was probably because of me so I felt like I owned them an explanation. 

'I think it is because of me..' I said hesitant looking at my plate and nervously playing with my fingers and Maura & Chris both looked at me surprised. 

'I uuuh.. He came up to my room to introduce himself and asked me if I was married since I'm still wearing this ring and well.. I freaked and well... I was kinda short to him.'

'Aaaaah, now I understand' Chris said and Maura nodded. 

'It's ok sweety, we understand your reaction, your dad filled us in on your situation but we didn't tell the boys about it, that is up to you if you want them to know about that or not' Maura said while putting her hand on my hand to comfort me. 

'Thank you' I said, 'But I'll apologize to him later, I don't want to get of on the wrong foot with anyone here.' and Chris and Maura nodded agreeingly. 

Maura started to get our plates together to start the dishes and I asked if I could help her but she said that I didn't need to tonight, I could go upstairs and relax. As I walked upstairs I heard music coming from Niall's room again. Was he playing himself or was it the radio? I couldn't tell. I decided to apologize now and not wait with it and so I knocked on his door. 

'Yeah?!' he answerred and I opened the door. 

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