Chapter 15

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[Niall's POV]

'Hi little bro, how are ya today?' I heard Greg say as he walked into my room.

'I'm fine.'

'Are you sure?' he asked sitting down on the chair next to the window sill where I was sitting.

'Don't know...' I answerred honestly.

'Lexi?' he asked and I nodded, still looking out the window. 'I just miss her...' Greg nodded,

'I know you do.'

Over the passed few weeks Greg had talked to me a lot about Lexi and he had been a really good support. I'd call her almost daily but she never picked up which broke my heart. I also kept checking her Twitter but she barely tweeted after she'd left. I really loved her which I'd also told Greg. He somehow understood why she left that way but he hard part was that we didn't really know why and I honestly didn't understand why and she wouldn't answer those questions, she just left and doesn't even answer my calls. She didn't even say goodbye the day she left. She'd said goodbye to everyone else but me, and when they asked where I was she said we'd already said goodbye.

'You know...' I started breaking the silence and Greg looked up to me. 'I don't even hate her for.. well.. you know..' and he nodded.

'I know..'

'You know you really love someone when you can't even hate them for breaking your heart.' I answered him and he nodded. Lexi did break my heart leaving this way but I didn't hate her for it because well, like Greg said, I really love her. I nodded agreeingly.

'So uuh.. I got something for ya.' he said holding out an envelope with my name on it.

'What is it?' I asked raising my eyebrows while he handed it over.

'It's from Lexi...'

'How do you...? Did she mail it to you so you could give it to me? You're still talking to her Why didn't you tell me?!' I rambled, I couldn't make out my thoughts as there were so many going through my mind right now.

'Just read it..' Greg said patting my knee and leaving the room. I looked at the envelope which was really thick, it looked like there was something more than a letter in there. I opened the envelope to find her engagement ring and a letter.

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Dear Niall,

I am sorry for declining all your calls but to be honest, I have my reasons. I realize I have really hurt you by leaving like that and I feel like I own you to tell the reasons why and so that's why I'm writing you this letter. I know I'm a coward for doing it like this but I can't do it any other way.

Somewhere between all our laughs, long talks, stupid little fights and lame jokes I feel like I fell in love with you just like you did with me. That night, when you told me about your feelings and I realized this I got scared. You have to understand, I thought Josh was the one for me, that he was it and just the possibility of having a second chance scared me and so I cut it off, to try to protect myself. The distance between us is to big and in my eyes being without you all together would hurt less then being 'with' you but also not because of that distance. The past month has been really hard for me. I keep myself busy with things to do but everytime I pause I still think of you. I really miss you and our talks but as my dad said: 'You can't start the next chapter when you keep re-reading the last one'. It hurts me to realize that this is true, because as you know I don't want to start the next chapter, I want to keep re-reading the last one but I can't, I have to move on and start working on my future and that is why I'm giving you my ring. My ring resambles my previous chapter, the one you helped me close and you having my ring, to me that is a symbol of that. I'm leaving that chapter with you so I'll stop re-reading it.

I truly believe we met for a reason. You're either a blessing or a lesson and I can't figure out which one you are and I need time to do that. I hope you will give me this time and maybe someday we will find our way back to eachother, but please don't push me and hold on too much, I need you to move on as well. I'll always remember you...

Love, Lexi.

PS. I heard about your Xfactor adventure, being put in a band like that must be hard but also really cool! I hope you and the boys get along really well and make it very far. O hope you'll have an amazing time. And remember, it's up to you to make your dreams come true!

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