Chapter 5

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[Niall's POV]

About a month went by and Lexi became a real part of the family. She participated in all normal activities and she could get on really well with all of us. Over the course of the month she had lightened up and managed to get a bound with each and everyone of us. Every other night she'd go to the gym with Greg and the other nights she'd be with me learning how to play the guitar. She helped mom with the household and Chris, well, I guess you could say she wasn't your typical girl as she helped him in the yard but also with his motorcycle and car. She hadn't really said anything about her PTSD and she seemed really good and not affected by it in any way. All with all it was good, untill the weekend mom & Chris were away on a romantic trip and Greg was with his girlfriend Denise.

'I'm gonna go out and play football with the guys on the field, you wanna come?' I asked Lexi as we were doing the dishes after diner. I was going to meet up with some friends of mine to play some ball at the field 2 blocks away. She didn't meet them yet as she had been adjusting to the situation here and they were getting curious about her.

'I'd love to but I promised my parents I'd Skype with them tonight. Haven't talked to him all week because it was really busy at work.'

'Ok' I nodded as I put down the towel and walked into the hallway to get some of my old shoes.

'Just, come home when the weather gets bad ok?' Lexi asked while I was putting on my shoes on a chair in the kitchen. I nodded, 'sure, say hi to your parents for me!' and I walked out leaving Lexi at the kitchen counter talking to her dad on Skype.

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'Lexi?! Lexi?!' I yelled out her name as I walked into the house which weirdly enough was completely dark, no response. I had gotten home once the weather started getting bad like she asked me too. It was raining really hard and there was lots of lightning and thunder, we were in the middle of a heavy April storm.

'Niall? Greg? Anyone of you there? Lexi?!!' I heard a manly voice say from the kitchen. I walked in there to find the laptop with Skype still logged on.

'Niall, thank god you're home.' the voice said and I walked over to the laptop seeing it was Admiral Smith. But there was no sign of Lexi.

'It is so good to see you son' Admiral Smith said worried and I was confused.

'Where is Lexi?!' I asked in a worried tone. Admiral Smith looked down, obviously emotional and worried as well.

'She is probably hiding out somewhere in the house' he answerred me and I raised an eyebrow.

'Why? Why is she hiding?'

'She uuh... I can't tell you all about it son, that is up to her but I can tell you this weather triggers her PTSD, you need to go and find her.'

Hearing Admiral Smith say that got me even more worried. What would I find? In what state would she be? What happened to her? So many questions and none would be answerred by anyone else but Lexi but she didn't talk about it and we also didn't ask about it.

'How? How do I find her? What do I do?' I asked in an even more worried tone, I was starting to get nervous.

'She usually hides in a spot that is covered, like at home she'd always go under a desk.'

'Ok, I'll go look for her... But, what do I do when I find her?' I asked and the Admiral sighed.

'Just calm her down, hold her, talk to her but don't ask questions.'

'Ok' I nodded. I was getting scared of what I'd find.

'Just, be carefull son. She won't hurt you or anything but be carefull with what you say and don't ask any questions, that'll get her even more upset.'

'Isn't it better if I go find her and bring the laptop to her so you or your wife can talk to her?' I asked the Admiral hoping we could do that, I really was no good at calming people.

'No son, that won't help.. She needs you, she needs you to hold her, touch her so she gets out of the cycle, so she'll get distracted. Just talking won't work.'

'Ok.' I said quietly. God, this was so messy, I wish Greg were here, he was way better at things like these. He was somewhat used to it, he had to calm patients on a daily basis at work. He'd know what to do, what to say.

'I trust you can do it son, don't worry. Call me later ok? Good luck.' the Admiral said and he hung up.

I nodded and closed the laptop. Time to go look for Lexi. I was scared, scared of what I would find, scared of how she would be, how would she react when I tried to calm her? I was not exactly her mom or dad, I was a guy she was living with because her dad told her to.

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