Chapter 11

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[Lexi's POV]


It was Christmas Eve 2009 and Josh and I were spending our last few days at home with our families. We'd both leave for a 4 month mission in Iraq on the 28th, we'd celebrate New Years Eve there. We were both already packed for it and ready to go as we'd go to the base from here. 

We all had diner together, Josh, his parents, my parents and I. Throughout the years our 2 families had become best friends as Josh's father, Thom, was also an admiral and him and my dad basically travelled together. Him and dad became like best friends, our moms and ofcourse, also me and Josh. We all were like family. Untill we graduated from High School at 16, we had just been friends but once we both joined the army things started to change and quickly we were dating. Both 18 right now, we were very young to be send out to Iraq but we finished training and all so it'd be weird if they didn't send us, it'd be unfair to the older ones who didn't finish high school as early as we did. Throughout diner we all talked about basic things and nothing about the army or Josh & I leaving in just 3 days. Untill diner was over, then our dads started talking about the mission. Thom would stay home and my dad would come as well.

'You guys nervous?' Thom asked and we both shrugged.

'Yes and no..' I answerred and Josh stepped in.

'It's nice we can finally go do something for real but it's also scary, because there things can also happen for real.' Both our dads nodded. It was a good thing our moms were in the kitchen doing the dishes, they didn't really like this realistic talk about missions and the things that can happen.

'I'm sure you'll be fine.' my dad said. 'Things have been quiet there lately and well, it'll mostly be patrols to keep it that way.' he continued and we both nodded. We know that was the mission but still, you never know what can happen.

'You guys keep an eye on eachother ok?' Thom asked pointing at Josh and I.

'I always keep an eye on this one.' Josh said all cheesy and my dad winked. What was going on here? Why were they being so, well, weird?  

'It's snowing out.' my dad stated. I loved the snow, especially now when I was about to leave for 4 months to be in the desert in the middle of nowhere in some country that was still at war. 

'Lets take a walk.' Josh asked and I nodded. We both stood up and walked to the hallway to get our coats. Josh was a perfect gentlemen and held my coat up for me and then put on his own. He handed me a beanie and I put it on and so did he. We walked out the front door towards the entrance and exit of the base and we went of. Josh grabbed my hand and we walked towards the park where we've had many dates and where we'd go and walk a few times a week. It was a beautifull park and tonight was no different. The snow was falling, already about 10 centimeters was on the ground and the trees were completely white, it was almost magical, a perfect night.

Josh and I walked there silently towards a small bridge going over the stream that ran through the entire park and at the end it'd be a small waterfall into a small lake. It was a quiet night and we didn't run into anyone, it was like we were alone in the world and I couldn't be happier. Being here, with the love of my life, one of our last nights home for 4 months, quietly walking through a park, seeing the amazing snowy scenes. As we were standing on the bridge we faced the way down and just stood there, Josh behind me with his arms wrapped around my waste and pulling me close. He kissed my cheek and we stood there for what felt like forever. Suddenly Josh let go of me and I turned around giving him a kiss. 

'I got something for you.' Josh said, looking nervous. 

'Really? But it isn't Christmas yet, presents are tomorrow.' Josh smiled. 

'Silly.' he pecked my lips. 'This is a special present I want to give you before Christmas, when it's just the two of us.'

'Ok..' I said, really anxious to see what it'd be. 

'Turn around and close your eyes.' Josh said and so I did. I heard him walking away.

'Where are you going?!' I yelled after him, still facing the water, eyes closed. 

'Just stay there!' he yelled back and before I knew it I already heard him walking up to me again. I heard the snow move right by my feet and then I heard Josh sigh. 

'Turn around and open your eyes.'

My mouth dropped! There was Josh, sitting on one knee by a heart he drew in the snow and a black box in the middle of it. Was this for real? Was he going to propose?!

'Lexi...' he started. 'You know I love and having to go to Iraq in a few days and the risks it brings I started thinking.' He grabbed the black box and opened it. 

'Lexi, I don't ever want to go without you, you're it.' I gasped and put my hands in front of my mouth. I couldn't believe it, he was going to do it!

'Will you marry me?'

'Yes, yes! A thousand times yes! I'd love to.' Josh got up and put the ring on my finger. 

'Oh my god, I can't believe this! Are you serious?!' I said looking at the ring and Josh just started laughing. 

'Yes, I'm serious.'

'I love you so much!' I somewhat squeled.

'I love you too Lexi.' Josh answerred and we went into a long passionate kiss. 

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