Chapter 2

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[Lexi's POV]

'Ladies and gentleman please take your seats and buckle your seatbelts as we are descending to Dublin airport where we will land in about 20 minutes. I repeat....'

I didn't listen to the woman repeat the message. Throughout the entire flight I'd been sitting in my seat with my seatbelt on just listening to music on my iPod. I could hear the people get back to their seats and get ready for the landing and some of them were pretty nervous. Through the years I had flown so much all over the world, I didn't care anymore.

The woman next to me sat down looking quite anxious. It was an older woman, I think around 70 and by the looks of it she was traveling alone and very fond of flying. She looked at me and I gave a friendly smile and saw her lips moving, she was talking to me but I couldn't hear over my iPod. I took out my in-ears and excused myself for not hearing her the first time.

'Have you flown before sweety?' she asked and I just nodded.

'Many, many times. To much to count ma'am.' and the woman smiled at me.

'Please buckle your seatbelt miss' the stewardess said to the older lady next to me as she walked by our row.

'Oh yes, yes, sorry dear' the older woman answerred. 'I've never been very fond of flying' she said to me giving a weak smile and I awknowledged it.

'I wasn't either at first but I've learned to adjust due to the amount of flying I had to do.' I answerred and I looked outside as I felt we started to descent.

The woman stayed quiet and just nervously stared through the isle untill we landed. When we were being taxied into our gate I got this paper with info my dad gave me before I left. 'Maura Gallagher', that was the name of the woman that'd pick me up from the airport. I'd be living with her, her husband and 2 sons for the next 6 months.

'Ladies and gentleman, we just connected to our gate and are ready to get of. Local time is 4p.m. Thank you for flying with Ireland Airlines and have a nice day.' the woman in the front said and so I grabbed my bag and stood in line to get of the plane. As I got of I inmedeatly checked the boards to see where I could pick up my bags and I walked over there. When I arrived at baggage claim they were still working on getting the bags so I checked the info my dad gave me once again.

It'd be going to live in Mullingar with Maura Galagher and her husband Chris who'd be my 'coach'. She has 2 sons called Greg and Niall, one older and one younger then me. Maura also works at the hospital I'd be working too and I'd have the same schedule/hours as her so we could go there together. Her and her husband had helped militairy people before with integrating into normal life again. Mostly people who decided to leave the army and go work in the field they were trained for and not someone suffering from some sort of PTSD.

1, 2, 3.. Yes, all my bags were counted for so I walked to the exit and looked for Maura. Dad had included a picture of her so I could recognize her but I already saw a sign with my name on it, 'Lexi Smith.' I walked up to the woman and introduced myself and so did she, my first impression was good, a friendly caring woman.

As we walked to the car she asked me about my flight and during the ride to Mullingar she told me about her family, 'our' workplace and the town. She also told me about helping people in the past but I was some sort of exeption. One, because I wasn't going to leave the army but just needed a temporary change of scenery and two, because I was a girl and they'd mostly helped man as well, lets face it, most soldiers are men. Maura was really friendly and she kept on rambling about all sorts of things as I looked out the window taking in the scenery. Ireland was a really beautifull place and I hoped I could take in some culture and nature while being here.

When we arrived to the house Maura introduced me to her husband Chris who wasn't the father of her sons and she showed me the quest room which would be mine for the next 6 monhts.

'I'm going to leave you to it and start diner, just come down if you need anything and otherwise I'll call up for you when diner's ready.' she said and I nodded.

I started to unpack my bags and put stuff in the closets when I heard a knock on the door. As I turned around I saw this sort of cute boy, blond, blue eyes, younger then me standing in the opening.

'Hi, I just wanted to come and introduce myself' he said and I nodded once again as I didn't know what to do or say, I became somewhat shy here. 'My name is Niall' he said as he reached out his hand to shake mine and so I did the same.

'Lexi, nice to meet you.' and Niall smiled.

'Are you married?' he then asked pointing at my left ring finger where I still had his ring.

'No.' I said while me eyes teared up. I quickly turned around and got some towels, walked passed him into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I couldn't have this, not now, not when I was just here.

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