Chapter 6

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[Niall's POV]

'Lexi?! Lexi?! Lexi, were are you?!' I shouted going through the entire house. I decided to go check in the living room first and then work my way back and upstairs if needed. As I walked into the living room I heard something. 

'Lexi?!' I said once again but no response. I looked at the couch noticing you could shelter really well in the corner behind it. I walked around it and there she was, Lexi. Her legs pulled up till her chin, her arms around her knees and she was shaking because she was crying really hard without barely making any sound. 

'Lexi? Are you ok?' I asked her while I sat down in front of her, there was no room to sit next to her but I had to sit with her, that's what the Admiral said. No response, all she did was cry, now with louder sound. I didn't know what to do or say.

'It'll be ok, just calm down.' I said rubbing her knees but she still didn't calm down, this wasn't working, this didn't help. What else did the Admiral say? Think Niall, think! My mind was working overtime.  

'She needs you, she needs you to hold her, touch her so she gets out of the cycle, so she'll get distracted. Just talking won't work.' That's what the Admiral said. 

I noticed I would be able to walk by her and maybe sit behind her to hold her and so I went on and did that. As I stood up Lexi looked up to me, her eyes full of fear and pain, tears streaming down her face and she was red, bright red from crying. She saw me looking back and so she quickly looked down again, obviously ashamed. I sat down behind her, pulled her close to me, her back against my chest and I put my arms around hers, my hands on her knees as well and she let me do this. 

She still cried, still had her head down. God this was so hard! I started rubbing her under arms and hands and talking to her in a low tone. 

'It'll be ok Lexi, it'll be ok, just calm down. It'll be ok. It'll stop, the pain will stop. I'm here, you're save, no need to be scared anymore, you're not alone.' I said repeatedly and after some time the crying became sniffing. She turned a bit so her side was against my chest and she put her head on my shoulder. I could feel the tears dripping from her nose onto my neck. I stroked her hair and repeated what I'd said before. 

'It'll be ok Lexi, it'll be ok, just calm down. It'll be ok. It'll stop, the pain will stop. I'm here, you're save, no need to be scared anymore, you're not alone.'

She sighed shockingly and stopped crying. She put her shirts sleeve around her hand and wiped her tears. She grabbed my shirt with her left hand, my hand with the right and she put her head back on my shoulder. 

'Thank you' she said softly with a weak and shivering voice. 

'It's ok.' I answerred and we just sat there like this for what felt like forever. At some point Lexi pulled away from my shoulder. 

'I'm thirsty' she said looking at me, her eyes still wet.

'Want me to make you some tea?' She shrugged. 

'I think I'll go to bed, I'm tired.' 

'Ok, but you're going to my bed, I'll sleep on the floor to keep an eye on you.' She nodded. The Admiral didn't say anything about needing to stay with her but I couldn't leave her alone in her room, what if the storm started up again? We walked up to my room and I put Lexi in my bed and pulled out a matrass from under it to lay on myself. 

'Let me make us some tea ok?' I said to her but she didn't reply, her eyes were already closed so I assumed she already fell asleep. She must be tired and to be honest, I was too. I layed down on the matrass and quickly fell asleep.  

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