Chapter 19

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[Lexi's POV]

'Lexi?!' I heard an all to familiar voice say as I heard the person slip down the wall right next to me.

'Hey Greg...' I whispered back through my tears, I didn't have to look up to him to know it was him. We just sat there silently for a few minutes, Greg's arm around me, trying to calm me down which adventually it did. 

'You ok?' he asked nudging my shoulder lightly and I just nodded.

'I didn't want to go today...' I said to him looking up and wiping away the few tears left on my cheeks. 

'I know, I know...' Greg said, now rubbing my back. 'Does your friend know?' I shook my head and he nodded. 'I figured...' I sighed. 

'Gosh this hurts...' I said giving a weak smile and Greg smiled back. 'I wasn't ready to face him and yet I did and I didn't know what to do or say and I just... aaaarrggghhh' I said annoyed at myself, throwing my head back into my hands sighing annoyed. 'I know I hurt him, really, really badly but I just couldn't do it any other way I just couldn't...' I said using my hands to emphasise things and Greg just nodded and listened, letting me ramble on about stuff he'd heard before. 'I wasn't ready, I just wasn't... Josh was it, he is it and then Niall came and I...' 

'I know, I know...' Greg said, 'He understands it, I know he does.' 

'I know! But it still hurts to see him still hurting about it this much later and I can see nothing's changed for him.'

'Did things change for you?' Greg asked me with a serious tone and I sighed..

'I still think of Niall a lot.. I miss talking to him..' I answerred.

'Yeah, but like.., did you close the last chapter? Did you stop re-reading it?' he asked using words I used a lot. 

'I think so... But, I am stuck... The past is in the past but I am not ready to start a future just yet.'

'I get that...' Greg nodded agreeing with me.

'I miss him, but I can't be around him... yet...' I finished, applying that I would like to be with him at some point. 

'You are coming to Denise & I's engagement party right?' Greg asked and I nodded with a confused look. 'You can talk to him then, less stressfull, less people watching you...'

'Yeah...' I said with some doubt but butterflies were starting to flutter in my stomac. Talking to Niall, one on one, like old times.. I hoped. 'I doubt he'll wait till then to try to reach me though...' I said sighing, worried about things to come in the time leading up to the party. 

'I'll make sure he won't.' Greg said sternly.

'How?!' I asked, thinking that'd be useless energy spend on it.

'I'll tell him that you are coming and that you want to talk to him but aren't ready quite yet...' I nodded.


'Now, lets get you back inside before the show ends.' Greg suggested getting up and reaching his hand towards me to help me up. 

'Before I forget, I don't remember if I already asked... But, I can take Riley with me right?' I asked Greg as we walked back inside. 

'Ofcourse! I'd love to meet him!' Greg said giving me a hug goodbye and a kiss on my head. 'I'll see you then, now try to enjoy the last bit of the show and don't worry about Niall till then.' I nodded and waved goodbye to him as I walked back to Sally.  

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