Chapter 1 - Thief. Not A Criminal.

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The girl walked through the crowds with ease, her hands moving unseen by anyone. She heard a scream, and grinned mischievously, as she pulled out a wallet, and scanned through the contents.

"Hm... Let's see... bills, bills, and bills, lots of food coupons, a golden ring, and a silver pendant. Not bad, tashikani," she muttered, as she took out a ramen coupon and entered a ramen shop.

"Miso, tashikani," she said, putting the coupon on the counter, and sat down.

"You know, maybe I can work here for the rest of the day? I have nothing to do, anyways. That, is if you don't mind, tashikani," she asked, smiling innocently at the ramen shop owner, as the food was served.

He nodded his head. "Of course you may. It's not everyday I can get some help. I'll give you 2500 ryō when you're done. What d'you think?"

The girl grinned. "Deal. The name's Akai."

| * | * | * | * | * |

After a few hours of working at the ramen shop, Akai had successfully managed to pocket roughly 1800 more ryō from people paying for their bowls of ramen, and that wasn't counting the money that the shop owner said he was going to give her.

"I better head out of here, tashikani," the blue haired girl said to the ramen shop owner, who nodded with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for helping me today, I really appreciated it." The man placed the money in Akai's hand, and the girl couldn't help but smile as she looked at the shop keeper.

"No, thank you, sir," she said, the same cheeky smile on her lips as she exited the ramen shop, beginning to count all cash she had gained for the day.

"I feel as if this was a very successful day, tashikani!" Akai said, pushing the money into a small pouch on the side of her leg as she walks through the crowd of people. She stopped in front of a random house, and used an old hairclip to unlock the door. Entering the house, she ran upstairs, bursting into random room.

"Woah! King-sized bed, a large wardrobe, bathtub and warm shower! Cool, tashikani!" she cheered, as she threw her body onto the bed. She fell asleep soon after.

| * | * | * | * | * |

Akai laughed, quickening her pace. The house owner had found her while she was rummaging through the wardrobe for a new shirt to wear, and now he was chasing her.

And he's a shinobi. An angry, pissed jounin. However, as always, she enjoyed the thrill.

"You can't catch me, tashikani!"

"What to use..." she muttered, looking around. Her eyes lit up in recognition. "Ha!" she cheered, as she caught a flying pamphlet. She turned to the man, and her fingers moved fast.

In a blink, a paper plane hit his eye. "Gotcha, tashikani!" she exclaimed, laughing harder, as she exited the gates. Half an hour later, she dropped her body onto the ground, panting heavily. "That... was fun... tashikani..."

She smiled as she saw large gates not far from her place, with the large kanji of fire on it. "Konoha? Sounds fun, tashikani." She approached the gates, and entered the village, sneaking up behind the two sleeping guards.

As quietly as she could, she began to rummage through the guards' belongings, quickly pocketing a few random things that included a handful of ryō, a few weapons that she could possibly trade in for more cash, and also some sake coupons.

Once she was happy with what she got, she moved away from the guards and 3ntered the town. Her sly body moved through the people of the streets, her eyes roaming around to find anything that could possibly be of use to her.

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