Chapter 18 - Exam: Last

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Akai leaned on the railing, tapping her fingers against the metal bars. "Even more people were here... What do you think, Shin?"

Shin shrugged. "If I were in the arena, I would be nervous as hell. Will you be alright, Akito?"

Akito chuckled, looking down at the arena with a grin on his face, "The fight will definitely distract me. Besides, you guys don't have to worry. I'll win for sure."

"That's the spirit!" A voice yelled, tackling the three into a hug. They all shrieked in shock, trying to pry away the arm that had grabbed them. The woman didn't budge, instead she began to spin them around, "You guys are all amazing!! I wish I had a student of my own, not just being an assistant sensei..."

"Anko, let them go. You're choking them." A voice stated, as a large hand could be seen gripping the railing. The woman pouted, releasing the kids, but as soon as she did, she immediately pulled Akai back, and held her shoulders tightly.

"This one wouldn't die even if we stabbed her, Ibiki. Don't worry!"

Akai clicked her tongue, letting out a huff. "Is that even a compliment?"

"I don't know!" The Mitarashi cheered, "But today Akito is the star! That's what I'm sure of!"

Akito chuckled, kicking himself off the edge and sat at the front row, "Maybe, if I win." He simply said, taking his sheathed katana, "But somehow I got a bad feeling here..."

Shin sighed. "Yeah, the feeling's mutual. Let's just pray for the best, I really want to see everyone fight."

The rest of them sat down, and began to talk about their guesses on the match, waiting for the final round to start, while more people entered the place.

| * | * | * | * | * |

"I still like Naruto's fight the most." Shin muttered, watching as a certain Nara forfeited.

"This one has less talking, and the end makes me wanna laugh." Akai told him, "I like this one more. The jutsus are cooler, tashikani. Although Whisker's win is more absolute, but we all know already how he could be wise when fighting."

"When is my fight?!" Akito muttered, not even caring about his friends' discussion. Akai laughed, patting his head as she watched Sasuke entering the arena.

"Be patient. The best is always saved for the last."

"But I want it to be over already!"

Akai shrugged, turning away and sat on the floor, leaning on the railing, crossing her arms.

"I don't get why everyone is so excited. Sharingan against a jinchūriki? I can guess what's going to happen. Their powers are well-known already."

"But that's what makes it interesting!" Shin explained, "At least for me, I want to see if my guesses would be true!"

"You guys are weird." Akito mumbled, pulling out his sheathed katana, and tried to balance it on one finger, "Just hurry up. Just hurry up. Just hurry up." He repeated over and over, as if it was some kind of spell.

Meanwhile, Shin had gritted his teeth in annoyance as he watched the match between the Uchiha and the Sabaku. He kept muttering, "Kick him," or, "Hurry, hit him! Hurry-... Agh, you're late! Stupid!", and some other commands at the 2 fighters on the arena.

Akai, on the other hand, had her fingers tapping on the metal railings, hissing any kind of cursing words every time anyone's hit missed, not supporting any sides, probably hoping both to lose instead.

She stared blankly at the field in which the boys were fighting, but by this time she had completely zoned out and was paying zero attention to the fight. Until Gaara's screams irrupted below her.

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