Chapter 12 - Exam: Written Test

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"I thought you wouldn't come." Shin stated, as he saw Akai running towards him and Akito, who were standing in front of the blonde's house.

"I feel offended," she snapped, "Ibiki was gone and he idiotically locked the front door, tashikani."

"I bet he did it on purpose." Akito commented, snickering as he approached the Hozuki, "Come on. We should hurry or we're gonna be late."

"Roger that, Captain." Akai said with a salute, rolling her eyes, "Is it just me, or Shin looks like a panda?"

"It's my sister." Shin explained, groaning in annoyance, "She kept me awake all night long because she couldn't decide whether to enter the Exam or not."

"And her decision?"

"She entered. Saying that she won't lose to me." Shin said, "Are you guys nervous?"

"A bit." Akai admitted, "I hope there's no written test. The only things I've ever memorize are handsigns and maps. I went to Academy only for a few days, not listening to Dolphin-sensei at all."

"Ha-ha." Akito commented, laughing mockingly, "That's gonna be the death of us." He added, giving Akai a look, "I trust Shin, but you? No."

"Ouch. That hurts." Shin said, chuckling, "But seriously. I think they will give us a written test."

"And, knowing how cruel this village is, if one member failed, the whole team will be disqualified, tashikani."

The two boys' faces paled.

"I was a thief, so I'm sure I can get the answer from someone somehow, tashikani. But I will need your help. Although it's a very risky plan."

"Risky?" Akito asked, raising an eyebrow. Shin gulped at the thought, knowing how crazy Akai can be with her ideas.

Akai stopped walking, and turned at her teammates. She cringed, scratching the back of her neck.

"We might get disqualified."

| * | * | * | * | * |

"So many participants..." Akai muttered, looking around, "I hate crowds. And look at their faces. Putting on such scary looks..."

Akito hummed in reply, as he looked at his teammates. Akai was playing with a small coin, while Shin was rubbing his eyes in a sleepy manner.

"This team will definitely fail." He muttered, already feeling depressed.

"I agree." A voice confirmed. The blonde turned, to find a grey-haired boy behind him. He wore glasses, and he doesn't look really strong.

"Thanks for the support." Akito snapped sarcastically, receiving an apologetic smile in return.

"Forgive me. Your teammates just look like shinobis with no motivation."

"Hearing that gave me some motivation, four-eyes. I wanna choke you to death." Shin suddenly said, standing next to Akito, Akai behind him.

"No fighting before the exam starts." The boy replied, "My name is Kabuto Yakushi. You?"

"Akari." Akai lied easily, receiving weird stares from her teammates, "That's Aito," she pointed at Akito, "And Haru." She finished, referring to Shin.

"If you would excuse us? We have some important things to discuss." Akai snapped, glaring at him. A smirk made its way onto his face, as he fixed his glasses.

"Ah. Last minute plans? Alright. Good luck, see you later?"

Akito nodded warily, watching as Kabuto slowly left them, approaching Naruto's group.

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