Chapter 13 - Exam: A Forest

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The next day, everyone was gathered around 'The Forest Of Death' with their teams. Akai was currently poking a very, very tired Akito on the side of the head as they waited.

"Akai, you're my teammate, and also my friend, but if you poke me again, I'll break your finger." The quiet boy said, and Akai let a small smile pass over her lips.

"I don't think you will."  She said with a laugh, once again poking his head. Akito tried to quickly grab Akai's hand, but the girl jumped back from him.

"You'll have to try better than that!" She said laughing.

"Stop it you two." Shin said with a heavy sigh, his team obviously annoying him.

"Make us, tashikani." Akai said, sticking her tongue out. Shin went to grab her, but was cut off when Anko's voice called out over the crowd.

"Listen up maggots! The second part of the exam is about to begin. The paper work we gave you to fill out will be turned in in return for a scroll. Each team will receive either a Heaven or Earth scroll. The point of this exam to take the opposite scrolls from yours  from another team. Successfully doing this and making it to the tower in the middle will mean you pass. Now, gather your materials and make your way to an open gate, waiting for the exam to begin."

Ibiki's team quickly made their way to the closest desk with a chunin behind it, which wasn't hard considering where they were standing to begin with. Their paper work was turned in, to have an Earth scroll returned back to them. Akai took the scroll and placed it inside of the pouch on her leg. She had predetermined that the scrolls would be safer with her.

This part of the exam would be a piece of cake for her. The point of this exam is to steal, and who steals things better than a thief?

Akai smiled as her team and her gathered at a gate that would lead them into the forest. "Are you guys ready?" She asked.

"Let's do this!" Shin said loudly, throwing his fist into the air.

"Hooray." Akito muttered, right as the gate slammed open. His eyes immediately twitched, especially when Akai hit his back and pushed him inside the forest.

| * | * | * | * | * |

"Now I wonder how you lived like this, Akai." Shin said, looking around, staring warily at the dark trees around them. As always, Akai grinned, throwing a coin up in the air and caught it with two fingers.

"It's not that bad once you get used to it. Do you guys want to finish this round quickly or do you prefer enjoying the forest here?" Akai asked back, "I personally chose the latter."

"No way in hell, Hozuki." Akito stated bluntly, "Let's hurry up."

She laughed, and turned away, as they continued their journey. Not long after, however, a scream was heard.

Instantly, they looked at each other, as if telling each other about their shock. Akai grunted, motioning her teammates to follow her, and they did.

The three of them climbed a tall tree, and found a team from Suna not far from their location, with 3 dead corpses around their feet. One was a guy in black clothes with purple face-paint, and then a blonde girl with a large fan, while the last was a thin redhead with a large gourd on his back.

"That redhead... Sakura told me about him. A team from the Sand... I think his name is Gaara. According to her, he's no ordinary Genin." Shin whispered, and turned at Akai, "I think we should leave. His aura screams danger."

"Go ahead." Akai said, "Bring Akito with you. Don't you see that they have 2 Heaven scrolls with them? I'm gonna steal one of them."

Akito stared at her in disbelief, his eyes twitching. "Are you crazy? Don't you see how his teammates look at him in fear? And you want to pick-pocket them?"

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