Chapter 6 - This Team... I Can't Describe It...

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The squad was gathered up on a rooftop that Ibiki had made them go to. Sitting in a line was Shin, Akai, then Akito in that order. Ibiki was standing in front of them with his arms crossed in front of him as he stared down at them.

"Hello squad 11. My name is Ibiki Morino, and I will be your sensei. I suppose that we should start with introductions, so I will go first. As I previously said, my name is Ibiki Morino. I am the head of Konoha's Torture and Interrogarion Sector. I excel in interrogating, torturing and gathering information. I don't put up with brats easily." Ibiki said, his eyes glaring towards Akai, but all this did was cause a large smile to form across of her lips.

"That's all you need to know about me. Pinky, you go first." Ibiki finished, and he glanced at Shin. The boy rolled his eyes at him slightly before he pushed a few strains of his pink hair out of his eyes.

"My name is Shin Haruno. My twin is Sakura, but I'm not too fond of that. I'm good with standard ninja tools, but I would like to learn how to use swords. I'm not that great with my chakra though. That's it I guess." Shin said, rolling his eyes slightly and pushing his pink hair out of his face once again.

Akai chuckled. "What kind of boy has pink hair, eh, tashikani?"

The said boy hit her arm, glaring at her.

"Akai, shut up or I'll sell those little treasures of yours."

"Why so grumpy, Scarface?" Akai taunted, "Angry that I drank your sake?"

Ibiki grunted, and turned his gaze to Akito. "Next. The blonde one."

The boy sighed. "I'm Akito Naokaze. I have no family, and I live alone. I know how to use swords, although I'm not really good at it. I have pretty good chakra control, and I think I'm a sensory type. I want to learn medical ninjutsu, though. I prefer silence, and I hate talking."

Akai tried to hold back her snickers, and succeed when Ibiki snapped at her, telling her to introduce herself.

"My name is Akai. Last name classified." At this Ibiki's eyes slightly widen, before glaring at her, "I'm 12. I was a traveler, a thief. And I wish I still am. I hate the fact that now I'm a shinobi. The rest are secrets."

Ibiki crossed his arms. "What about your chakra stock, those senbons and jutsus, plus your dagger and your speed?"

Akai laughed. "As I said, it runs through my blood! And you won't find out who my families are anytime soon, tashikani!" She cheered, grinning mischievously at her sensei.

"... Tashikani?" Akito wondered outloud.

Akai's eyes widen, as she slammed her palm on her mouth. "Damn it, tashikani!"

The blonde starts laughing. "I can't believe you were a thief!" He said.

"Really? I can't believe you have about 100 ryō in your wallet." Akai smugly replied, as she peeked inside the wallet she was holding.

Akito's eyes widened slightly as he began to try to grab the wallet out of the girls hand. "Give me that back!" The silent kid said, but Akai just stuck her tongue out at him. Ibiki began to gain an irk mark on his forehead, but he just watched the scene unfold.

Shin glanced over at Akai who was holding the wallet above her head. He rolled his eyes slightly and grabbed the wallet from above her head, holding it firmly in his hand.

"Hey!" Akai screamed at the pink haired boy, but Shin just tossed the wallet back to Akito. Akito caught the wallet in mid air and gave Shin a grateful look.

"Alright that's enough." Ibiki said, glaring down at Akai. The girl crossed her arms over her chest and glared at the larger man, earning a small snicker from her teammates. "That's all we have to do today, but I want the three of you to go out and get to know each other more in depth. And before any of you begin to complain-" Ibiki said as he looked at Akai who had her mouth slightly agape and her finger up as if she was going to protest.

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